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BOSC Software Distribution

This page is a summary of the discussion at the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) in Vienna on the 19th July 2007. The focus is the possibility of an ‘enriched’ software distribution, curated to add extra value and built into a Debian based LiveCD.

Debian’s package management and procedures guarantee primarily technical reliability - they ensure that the software will install (so it has dependencies defined etc) and run successfully on a given architecture. They do not, however, guarantee that the software is

work at its full potential and be fully understood by the user. The ‘enrichment’ is therefore in terms of a set of added content and metadata for each application that is provided.

Making this available as a LiveCD allows for very quick evaluation of tools. It may particularly appeal to (self-trained?) bioinformaticians working in wet-lab environments. Another major concern is its applicability for the use in training courses - today’s students are tomorrow’s scientists. Please send in requests for further adaptations.

What we add

Example applications

Example data

Preferably we should have the same example represented in different forms and shapes.

The LiveCD is probably limited by the size of a DVD.

Aggregate Configuration

If we bundle all the tools certain configuration issues (i.e. tool X needing to know where tool Y is installed) can be solved before the user hits them. This implies we can identify useful sets of applications but see the ‘expert endorsement’ bit above.


Dead tree technology is still in favour.

Self publishing websites such as can turn a PDF into a book and publish on demand - no up front cost to us! We would have to do all the typesetting though.

Distributing printed copy of the tutorials + the live CD or DVD would be fantastic for training, basically a bioinformatics mres module or three in a box. In particular one can make sure that what is said in the book is true with the software on the CD, using the same versions, and without the student facing installing issues before they know what the software does.

Strong communication between “upstream” BOSC developers and package maintainer expected. Packages that are provided in addition through this BOSC initiative are hoped to find their way into the Debian main distribution. (package needs to comply with Debian Free Software Guidelines and Debian Policy for that)


Getting it started


Seed of 10 packages.

Available (see Debian-Med initiative):

Aiming at:

which are all a bit more difficult because of Java library versioning which is not yet established.

Tutorials / Book chapters offered:


To get this started we plan to pick (somewhere around) ten packages drawn from the assorted participants at BOSC this year.