BOSC 2006
The 7th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2006) will take place in Fortaleza, Brasil, as one of several Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings occurring in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
Important Dates
Aug 4-5, 2006 BOSC 2006
BOSC Eventful Group :
This site provides an ICAL feed which will include all deadlines
associated with BOSC 2006
BOSC Announcement Blog : This Blog
will contain all Important BOSC announcements. You can include it in any
RSS Reader.
March 15, 2006 (delayed to March 27, 2006) - ISMB Online
June 5, 2006 - BOSC Abstracts for Full Talks Due
June 19, 2006 - Notification of Abstracts Acceptance
June 26, 2006 - Early Registration Discount Cut-off date
August 3, 2006 - Conference Registration Opens Onsite
August 4-5, 2006 - BOSC Conference
Keynote Speakers
Amos Bairoch of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Alberto M.R. Davila of the DBBM, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
SIG Rate (registering for ISMB as well):
Corporate : $225 ($325 after June-26th)
Academic : $200 ($300 after June-26th)
Student : $175 ($275 after June-26th)
Sig-only Rate (not registering for ISMB):
Corporate : $275 ($375 after June-26th)
Academic : $250 ($350 after June-26th)
Student : $225 ($325 after June-26th)
BOSC 2006 Schedule
The BOSC 2006 Schedule Has Been Posted
Notes on Submissions
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation is dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source Software development within the
Biological Research Community. To promote this mission, the organizing committee will favor submissions for projects that apply a recognized
Open Source License, or adhere to the general Open Source Philosophy.
See the following websites for further details:
All submissions should be emailed to the BOSC mailing list at
Call for Speakers and Abstracts
After intense scrutiny of a very competitive group of submissions, the following
have been chosen to present full talks at BOSC 2006.
The BOSC organizing committee is currently seeking abstracts for talks at BOSC 2006. BOSC is a great opportunity for you to tell the community about your use, development, or philosophy of open source software in bioinformatics. The committee will select several submitted abstracts for 25-minute talks. Accepted abstracts will be published on the BOSC web site.
If you are interested in speaking at BOSC 2006, please send us before June 5th, 2006:
- an abstract (no more than a few paragraphs)
- a URL for the project page, if applicable
- information about the open source license used for your software or your release plans.
Abstracts will be accepted for submission until June 5th, 2006. Abstracts chosen for presentation will be announced June 19th, 2006 (before the ISMB Early Registration Deadline).
Call for Lightning Talks and Demos
is the Lightning Talk Schedule for Friday.
is the Lightning Talk Schedule for Saturday.
The program committee is currently seeking speakers for the lightning talks. Lightning talks are quick - only five minutes long - and a great opportunity for you to give people a quick summary of your open source project, code, idea, or vision of the future. Or, if you are involved in the development of novel Open Source Software, you could use the time to give a quick demonstration of your work.
If you are interested in giving a Lightning Talk or Software Demonstration at BOSC 2006, please send us:
- a brief title and summary (one or two lines)
- a URL for the project page, if applicable
- information about the open source license used for your software or your release plans.
We will accept entries on-line until BOSC starts, but space for demos and lightning talks is limited.
Call for Birds of a Feather Meeting Ideas
One of the more popular activities at BOSC are the Birds-of-a-Feather sub-meetings that people organize at the end of each days session. These are free-form meetings organized by the attendees themselves. Traditionally, some BOF’s have been formed to allow developers and users of individual OBF software to meet each other face-to-face to discuss the project, but other meetings have been formed to discuss completely new ideas. These meetings offer a unique opportunity for individuals to explore more about the activities of the various Open Source Projects, and, in some cases, even take an active role influencing the future of Open Source Software development. If you would like to create a BOF, just sign up for a wiki account, login, and edit the BOSC_2006/Birds-of-a-Feather page.
Call for Volunteers
The BOSC Organizing Committee would like to invite attendees to take a more active role in making BOSC a successful conference by volunteering your services. The following opportunities for assistance exist:
- Set up, Clean up: Volunteers are needed to help set up and clean up any aspects of the conference room that are not done by the conference organizers.
- Chair Talk and Lightning Talk Sessions: Volunteers would be asked to manage a session of between 4-6 speakers. They would introduce each speaker, and manage the timing of their talks.
- Historian: Volunteer(s) would record the speaker, title, date, and time of each talk, and/or take digital photographs of speakers, attendees, etc, for inclusion on the BOSC 2006 website. Others might be interested in podcasting the event.
- Other general assistance: we always need people to help out for things like passing microphones around to audience questioners, helping speakers transfer their presentation media between computers, etc.
If you’d like to become more involved with the BOSC conference, please email us your name, contact information, and where you would prefer to help out.
Program committee
Chair, Darin London, Duke University