Board of Directors
The board can be contacted via email at (or in case of mailing list problems, try as a fall back), and can be reached via Twitter @OBF_News.
:; Hilmar Lapp : Representing BioPerl, Director of Informatics at the Center for Genomic and Computational Biology (GCB) at Duke University.
:; Peter Cock : Biopython core developer, bioinformatician at the James Hutton Institute. BOSC 2015 & 2016 co-chair.
:; Chris Fields : BioPerl core developer, Associate Director of HPCBio, Carver Biotechnology Center and The Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
At-large members
:; Nomi Harris : Project Manager at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. BOSC chair or co-chair since 2011.
:; Heather Wiencko : Software engineer at Hosted Graphite. BOSC co-chair since 2017.
:; Yo Yehudi : Software engineer and community outreach for Intermine.
:; Bastian Greshake Tzovaras : Co-founder of openSNP and Director of Research at Open Humans.
Past Board Members
Ewan Birney : Former OBF President. BioPerl core developer. Currently Co-Director of the EBI.
Andrew Dalke : Former Secretary. Represented Biopython & Dalke Scientific.
Steven E. Brenner : Former At-large member. Professor at University of California, Berkeley.
Karen Cranston: Former At-large member. Computational evolutionary biologist at the Biological Informatics Centre of Excellence at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Co-founder, Open Tree of Life.
Kam Dahlquist : Former At-large Member. Associate Professor at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.
Chris Dagdigian : Former Treasurer. BioPerl co-founder & OBF sysadmin. Employed by the BioTeam.
Jason Stajich : Former OBF President. BioPerl core developer. Currently Professor at University of California, Riverside.
Board of Directors Meetings
Upcoming Board Meeting:
Minutes of past Board Meetings:
- Conference call Oct 4, 2016
- Conference call May 12, 2015
- Conference call Nov 18, 2014
- Conference call Dec 12, 2013
- Conference call Apr 9, 2013
- Conference call Nov 13, 2012
- Conference call Sep 11, 2012
- Conference call Dec 13, 2011
- Conference call Nov 8, 2011
- Conference call Oct 5, 2010
- Conference call Dec 14, 2009
- 2009 BOSC Meeting
- Conference call Nov 19, 2008
- 2008 BOSC Meeting
- 2007 BOSC Meeting
- No Board Meeting was held in 2006.
- 2005 BOSC Meeting
- 2004 BOSC Meeting
- 2002 BOSC Meeting
Joining the Board
According to the bylaws, “Nominations for the Board of Directors may be made by the general membership at any time throughout the year by email to any Board Member.” (see Art. IV.1) The Board tries on an ongoing basis to create opportunities for members of the community to serve, while also ensuring stability of the Board. Opportunities for filling a seat, either through expansion of the Board, or by replacing a Board member whose term expires, arise in most years, and the Board is always interested to hear from volunteers from the community interested in serving.
Please see general expectations for Board members.
The Nominating Committee, which used to be described here until recently, no longer exists as a fixed entity. It was removed in the Oct 2016 revisions to the Bylaws.