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Main projects
Affiliated projects
- BioJS - an open-source library of JavaScript
components to visualise biological data
- BioHaskell home page,
- Biocaml - bioinformatics library in the
functional programming language OCaml
- BioPHP
- BioSmalltalk - Bioinformatics in
a pure objects environment
- CGL - Comparative
Genomics Library
- BioMake & Skam - Task management tool,
similar to makefiles
Ontologies and Definitions
In Memorium
- MOBY - a system for interoperability
between biological data hosts and analytical services
- OBDA - Standardization of access to
sequence data resources.
- Wikiomics - Bioinformatics wiki
- Pise - a tool to
generate Web interfaces software for submitting jobs to these
- OpenBQS - Bibliographic query
- BioClipse - visual platform based on
- BioWeka
- BlipKit - Chris Mungall’s Prolog toolkit for
Bioinformatics and BioMedical Informatics
- Biolib - cross-project/language C
bindings for a shared codebase across the different Bio* projects
(Pjotr Prins)