The stable Bioperl release 1.4 is available for immediate use at:
We are releasing simultaneously three modules:
They will also appear shortly at the IUBIO mirror (later today) and in CPAN.
Remember, all the external modules needed by bioperl-core can be installed from CPAN under name Bundle-BioPerl.
Over 3000 file changes have gone into this release since the 1.2 development tree was branched off from the main. These are the main feature enhancements:
installable scripts
global module version from Bio::Root:Version
Bio::Graphics - major improvements; added SVG support
Bio::Popgen - population genetics
Bio::Restriction - new restrion analysis modulues
Bio::Tools::Analysis - web based DNA and Protein analysis framework and several implementaions
Bio::Seq::Meta - per residue annotable sequences
Bio::Matrix- including Bio::Matrix::PSM - Position Scoring Matrix
Bio::Ontology - major contributions
Bio::Tools::SiRNA, Bio::SeqFeature::SiRNA - small inhibitory RNA
Bio::SeqFeature::Tools - seqFeature mapping tools, e.g.
Bio::Tools::dpAlign - pure perl dynamic programming sequence alignment (needs Bioperl-ext)
new Bio::SearchIO formats
new Bio::SeqIO formats: tab, kegg, tigr, game; important fixes for old modulues
Bio::AlignIO: maf
improved Bio::Tools::Genewise
Bio::SeqIO now can recognize sequence formats automatically from stream
new parsers in Bio::Tools: Blat, Geneid, Lagan, Mdust, Promoterwise, PrositeScan,
several new HOWTOs: SimpleWebAnalysis, Trees, Feature Annotation, OBDA Access, Flat Databases
hundreds of new and improved files
For detailed documentation, see individual module documentation in the distribution or in The tutorials are available at
This release is a result of hard work by the bioperl core team, nearly hundred developers and countless suggestions and bug reports at the bioperl mailing list ( or the the bioperl bug tracking system (
Wishing you all Peaceful Christmas,
-Heikki and the bioperl core developers