Bioperl Bootcamp June 21-25

The Mailing list post

Continuing on the BioJava Bootcamp of 2003, The Quebec Bioinformatics Network (BioneQ) is organizing its first BioPerl Bootcamp, to be held at the Universite de Montreal from June 21-25 2004.

The invited speakers are leaders in the use of Perl in bioinformatics and development of BioPerl:

Aaron Mackey (U. of Pennsylvania) Jason Stajich (Duke University) Lincoln Stein (Cold Spring Harbor Labs)

Seminars and exercise sessions will be in a Linux computer lab for a total hands-on experience.

++ A demonstrated knowledge of programming is a pre-requisite ++

++ Registration fee is US $200 ++

++ Places are limited !! ++

If you or someone in your group is interested by this workshop, e-mail a letter of intent and a file with your cv to bioperl-bootcamp at

Best regards

Sylvain Foisy