Continuing on the BioJava Bootcamp of 2003, The Quebec Bioinformatics Network (BioneQ) is organizing its first BioPerl Bootcamp, to be held at the Universite de Montreal from June 21-25 2004.
The invited speakers are leaders in the use of Perl in bioinformatics and development of BioPerl:
Aaron Mackey (U. of Pennsylvania) Jason Stajich (Duke University) Lincoln Stein (Cold Spring Harbor Labs)
Seminars and exercise sessions will be in a Linux computer lab for a total hands-on experience.
++ A demonstrated knowledge of programming is a pre-requisite ++
++ Registration fee is US $200 ++
++ Places are limited !! ++
If you or someone in your group is interested by this workshop, e-mail a letter of intent and a file with your cv to bioperl-bootcamp at
Best regards
Sylvain Foisy