BOSC 2005 website /bosc/
The 6th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC'2005) is organized by the not-for-profit Open Bioinformatics Foundation. The meeting will take place June 23-24, 2005 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, and is one of several Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings occurring in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
see for more information.
Because of the power of many Open Source bioinformatics packages in use by the Research Community today, it is not too presumptuous to say that the work of the Open Source Bioinformatics Community represents the cutting edge of Bioinformatics in general. This has been repeatedly demonstrated by the quality of presentations at previous BOSC conferences. This year, at BOSC 2005, we want to continue this tradition of excellence, while presenting this message to a wider part of the Research Community.