O|B|F Board of Directors Meeting

The 2005 Board of Directors meeting for the Open Bioinformatics Foundation was held on Thursday, June 24th 2005 in Detroit, MI USA at the site of the BOSC2005 meeting.

This was a major meeting and represents the first attempt to build a governance platform for the organization as well as set up the mechanism for building a voting membership. The O|B|F members will be able to direct the operation of the organization and will also be able to join the Board.

Other major news from the meeting: - Ewan Birney steps down as president; joins Board as at-large member - Jason Stajich joins board and is elected President - Hilmar Lapp is elected to a new position of ‘Parlimentarian’ - Determined efforts to build a voting membership body

Links to meeting minutes and Election Bylaws follow are below …

The new Election bylaws adopted by the Board can be found here: Download file

Meeting minutes are still being approved; when they are ready this article will be edited and a download link will be inserted here.