Biopython release 1.41

We are pleased to announce the release of Biopython 1.41. Many improvements were made in Biopython during the eight months since the previous release, and the new release contains lots of bugfixes, improvements, new functionalities, and better documentation. To pick a few, there’s the new Bio.MEME module by Jason Hackney, updates to the Blast parser using Bertrand Frottier’s NCBIXML code, a BLAT parser by Yair Benita, numerous updates in Bio.PDB, CompareACE support in AlignAce, and improved user-friendliness in Bio.Seq.

Lots of people of contributed to this release, in particular Frank Kauff (Bio.Nexus), Jason Hackney (Bio.MEME), Thomas Hamelryck (Bio.PDB), Frederic Sohm (Bio.Restriction), James Casbon (Bio.SCOP) for bug fixes and updates, Peter (Bio.Blast.NCBIXML test cases), and of course Jeff Chang, Brad Chapman, Andrew Dalke, and Iddo Friedberg for Biopython and the fool-proof instructions on how to roll a release, which made this a lot easier than I anticipated. My apologies if I forgot to thank somebody.

Michiel de Hoon on behalf of the Biopython development team.