BOSC 2008 is on

Our application to hold BOSC as a two-day SIG (Special Interest Group) meeting in conjunction with ISMB has been accepted for this year. BOSC will take place July 18 and 19 in Toronto, Canada.

For the first time this year, the second conference day will overlap with the ISMB tutorial day, in an attempt to make the overall stay shorter for those who want to attend both BOSC and ISMB. The other upside of this is that BOSC attendees who stay on for ISMB can reflect on the event at the ISMB Opening Reception, which will be held the same night as BOSC concludes.

In our outline we propose a more structured agenda with several sessions dedicated to specific challenging topics in our field, for example on currently intractable (or very hard) problems in bioinformatics, emerging technologies, best practices, and - of course - bioinformatics open source software. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll flesh those out as needed, and put up calls for submissions.

Hence, if you were thinking about submitting, don’t hold off preparing until the official call, and if you weren’t, think again. It’s going to be a really interesting conference. Also, if you have any suggestions for session topics, please come forward and email us as soon as possible at