BOSC 2009 accepted by ISMB

Belated, and probably most of you knew already, but just in case you didn’t, the 2009 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) was accepted on Dec 16 as a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting by the respective ISMB 2009 review committee. Special thanks and congratulations to Kam Dahlquist, who agreed again this year to chair the conference, and who pulled the proposal together.

You can follow the organization and the conference taking shape at the BOSC 2009 wiki page. Ideas, preliminary schedules, etc are discussed  on the associated talk page. You are welcome and encouraged to join us there. The blurb for publicizing the event on the ISMB website is due on January 16, in a little more than 1 week. If you have ideas or would like to help, do let us know.