We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby 1.3.1. This new release fixes many bugs existed in 1.3.0.
Here is a brief summary of changes.
- Refactoring of BioSQL support.
- Bio::PubMed bug fixes.
- Bio::NCBI::REST bug fixes.
- Bio::GCG::Msf bug fixes.
- Bio::Fasta::Report bug fixes and added support for multiple query sequences.
- Bio::Sim4::Report bug fixes.
- Added unit tests for Bio::GCG::Msf and Bio::Sim4::Report.
- License of BioRuby is clarified.
In addition, many changes have been made, mainly bug fixes. For more information, you can see ChangeLog.
The archive is available at: http://bioruby.org/archive/bioruby-1.3.1.tar.gz
We also put RubyGems pacakge at RubyForge as always. You can easily install by using RubyGems. % sudo gem install bio
You can also obtain bioruby gem file from bioruby.org. http://bioruby.org/archive/gems/bio-1.3.1.gem
Hope you enjoy.