A beta release for Biopython 1.54 is now available for download and testing.
Since Biopython 1.53 was released at the end of last year, several new features and more documentation have been added, plus the usual bug fixes. For full details see the NEWS file.
All the new features have been tested by the dev team but it’s possible there are cases that we haven’t been able to foresee and test, especially for the updated multiple sequence alignment object (which is what you’ll now get when parsing alignments with Bio.AlignIO), the new Bio.Phylo module, and the Bio.SeqIO support for Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) files.
Source distributions and Windows installers are available from the downloads page on the Biopython website ( biopython.org).
We are interested in getting feedback on the beta release as a whole, but especially on the new features and the Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook ( PDF).
(At least) 10 people contributed to this release (so far), which includes 4 new people:
Anne Pajon (first contribution)
Brad Chapman
Christian Zmasek
Eric Talevich
Jose Blanca (first contribution)
Kevin Jacobs (first contribution)
Leighton Pritchard
Michiel de Hoon
Peter Cock
Thomas Holder (first contribution)
So, gather your courage, download the release, try it out and please let us know what works and what doesn’t through the mailing lists (or bugzilla).