BioRuby Released

We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby This new release fixes the following bugs.

  • “gem install bio” failed with Ruby 2.0 or later versions.
  • lib/bio/db/gff.rb script encoding issue
  • Bio::Blast::Default::Report parse error when subject sequence contains spaces.

For more information, see RELEASE_NOTES.rdoc and ChangeLog.

The archive is available at: Gem file is also available at:

We also put RubyGems pacakge at and RubyForge.

You can easily install by using RubyGems. First, check the version number by using search command: % gem search –remote bio and find “bio (” in the list. Then, % sudo gem install bio

Acknowledgments: Thanks to all persons reporting issues and/or submitting patches.