Hello from Berlin, where the pre-BOSC informal CodeFest 2013 meeting is already underway. We’re looking forward to seeing even more of you on Friday and Saturday for BOSC 2013.
BOSC 2013 will be the 14th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference, and is organised by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF). It is held as a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting in conjunction with the ISMB conference, which itself is held jointly with the ECCB meeting every second year. This year the ISMB/ECCB 2013 is in Berlin, Germany.
You can follow BOSC on Twitter @OBF_BOSC, and we’ll be using the Twitter Hashtag #BOSC2013.
We also have a low-volume BOSC announcements mailing list, please sign up if you’d consider attending or submitting a talk or poster for next year - BOSC 2014 and the ISMB 2014 will be in Boston, USA in July 2014.