Are you a university student and interested in spending the summer developing open-source bioinformatics software?
(Good! Keep reading.)
On Monday, March 10, Google Summer of Code 2014 (GSoC) will begin accepting student applications to work with mentoring organizations like OBF.
Here are the steps for you to prepare an application and apply for GSOC 2014 with OBF:
- Check the OBF ideas page for potential projects you’d like to work on, and identify one or a few that you’re most interested in doing.
- Read our guide for prospective GSoC students on the OBF wiki. Also see Google’s GSoC FAQ and GSoC student guide, if you’re with us so far.
- Introduce yourself on the OBF GSoC mailing list. Tell us which project(s) you like, any modifications to them you’d like to make, or propose your own idea.
- Once you’ve settled on a project or two and contacted your potential mentors, begin preparing a detailed project timeline for the summer. This timeline should cover each week of the summer, as far as you can plan it, describing the week’s specific goals, coding tasks, anticipated problems and open questions. ( Example 1, Example 2)
- Submit your application to Google early. You can keep revising it on the Melange website until the deadline on March 21, but once you’ve submitted your basic information we can begin giving you feedback and suggestions to improve your application. In addition to your weekly timeline, you can link to examples of code you’ve written (e.g. on GitHub); a small contribution of code (e.g. a bug fix) to the project you’re applying to work with would really impress us.
Feel free to contact us on the mailing list or Google Plus if you have any questions.