BOSC CodeFest 2016

The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) is a two day meeting focused on open source bioinformatics. We aim to encourage and support a friendly, open and productive community that helps us work together to answer hard biological questions. We’ll get together this summer, July 8-9, in Orlando, Florida.

Abstracts for BOSC 2016 talks and posters are due this Friday, April 1st. We want to hear about your research and encourage everyone to submit an abstract. We love talks from newcomers to BOSC as well as established projects: no idea is too big or small. We also offer Travel Fellowships for speakers if money would be a barrier to attending.

Prior to BOSC, we organize a free two day collaborative working session called Codefest. We’ll establish friendships and collaborations while helping new members find fun work and extending existing projects. It’s a time to learn, teach, develop and grow. This year we’re kindly hosted by the FamiLAB workspace in Orlando. So in addition to getting to work with fellow OpenBio members, you’ll have the chance to learn about the Orlando maker community.

We hope you’ll join us in Orlando this summer for Codefest and BOSC. Please send in your abstracts before Friday and sign up on the Codefest page.