We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby 1.5.1.
In this new release, NCBI Entrez web client classes, Bio::NCBI::REST and Bio::PubMed, are changed to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, to prepare NCBI website transitioning to HTTPS.
For more information, see RELEASE_NOTES.rdoc and ChangeLog.
The archive is available for download from the following links.
- Tar.gz file: http://bioruby.org/archive/bioruby-1.5.1.tar.gz
- Gem file: https://rubygems.org/gems/bio or http://bioruby.org/archive/gems/bio-1.5.1.gem
You can easily install by using RubyGems. First, check the version number by using search command:
% gem search --remote bio
and find “bio (1.5.1)” in the list. Then,
% sudo gem install bio
Note that BioRuby 1.5.X will be the final release version that supports Ruby 1.8.
Because this release is a minor version up, only few changes picked from the git head are included.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Dr. Mark Johnson about information of the NCBI website change.