New OBF logo

We have successfully crowd-sourced a new OBF logo! The process started at the OBF Birds of a Feather meeting at GCCBOSC 2018 when the OBF leaders announced that we were seeking a new logo design. Two BoF participants immediately started sketching ideas, as well as a third community member who was not at the BoF but saw our tweet. The designs (which you can see here) were put up for a public vote. Aleix Lafita’s narrowly won and was adopted as our new OBF logo! We are currently working on possible variations on the logo for special events or causes (for example, a rainbow version).

The OBF is delighted that community members responded to our request for new logo designs with creativity and focus–attributes that are valuable in the open source community.

If you’re interested in joining the OBF and getting on our (low-traffic) mailing list, please fill out a membership application here!