Farah presents CWLProv at GCCBOSC 2018
The next round of our OBF Travel Fellowships just ended on the 15th of December! This round we have introduced a Review Chair coming from the midst of our community that will help us in reviewing the applications. The role will be filled by Farah Zaib Khan, one of our OBF Travel Fellowship alumni. Farah has successfully applied for the Fellowship twice before. Thanks in part to this support, she has become a central community member both of the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference and the Open Bioinformatics Foundation itself.
Farah recently completed her PhD at The University of Melbourne, Australia. The OBF travel fellowship helped her interact with the Bioinformatics community during BOSC 2017 and GCCBOSC 2018 where she actively participated in the Codefests and other activities to shape her PhD work. Her PhD research is about the provenance and interoperability of bioinformatics workflows. The funding and support provided by OBF is acknowledged in the article recently submitted by her for publication.
We are happy to see that the Travel Fellowships help students and Early Career Researchers to participate and grow within the Open Bioinformatics community, as well as helping to increase the diversity of participants in Open Bioinformatics events.