OBF Travel Fellowship: August 2019 awards

A record number of people applied for the latest round of the OBF Travel Fellowship, which closed on August 15, 2019. Out of this great set of applicants, we offered travel awards to three who epitomize the goal of the awards: to promote diversity in the world of open source bioinformatics / open science.

The awardees are Arunav Konwar, Fernanda Troyner and Nicolás Palopoli.

Arunav has contributed to open source projects including Deep Learning Indaba (an African Machine Learning community), Wikimedia, and Metafluidics. He will give a talk and lead a workshop at the Global Community Bio Summit 3.0, which aims to democratize biotechnology by building an inclusive global network of people in the life sciences.

Fernanda, who participated in " No Budget Science Hack Week", is fairly new to open science; she attended the Hack Week to learn about software tools for open science and launch her own open science project. She participates in the Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative.

Nicolás will be co-leading the first Carpentries Instructor training in Lima, Peru, in October. He later declined the fellowship as the local organizers offered to cover his travel expenses.

Big congratulation to our awardees! We look forward to hearing more about their open source/science projects in future.