During the public OBF Board Meeting held on December 17, 2019, elections were held for five Board members whose terms were about to expire. All five stood for re-election to the Board, though with some changes of officers:
- Hilmar Lapp: stepped down after 8 years as President of the Board; elected to At-Large seat.
- Peter Cock: elected as President of the Board.
- Heather Wiencko: elected as Treasurer, replacing previous Treasurer Peter Cock.
- Chris Fields: re-elected as Secretary.
- Nomi Harris: re-elected as At-Large Board member.
In accordance with the OBF Bylaws, the newly elected Board members and officers will serve a three-year term.
The Board thanked Hilmar for his many years as President. Hilmar oversaw or supported many major changes including moving to SPI as a fiscal sponsor, introduction of the Travel Fellowships, and our ongoing work to introduce a code of conduct and formalise our affiliate project policy. We are grateful that Hilmar will continue to contribute to the Board as a member at large.