Help us make BCC2020 a rewarding online experience!

We’re old hands at organizing in-person BOSC s (some of us were involved in planning the very first BOSC, in 2000), but this is the first time we’re attempting an online conference, and we want your help to make BCC2020 a rewarding experience for all.

We know many of you have attended other virtual conferences recently, and we’re interested in hearing what worked well and what didn’t. In particular, we are trying to figure out how to make virtual posters work, and how to run Q&A (with audio, or just typed? live, right after the talks, or asynchronous?). We’re also interested in ideas for adding fun social elements to what could otherwise be a pretty dull extended videoconference.

To share your ideas with us, we invite you to join one or both of our public gitter chat rooms: BOSC: BCC:

Or, if you prefer, you can email us at

We look forward to your suggestions, and hope to see you at BCC2020!