There’s still a chance to submit your abstract in the Late Poster round, which closes June 3 at 11:59pm ET!
What about late-breaking lightning talks? Unfortunately/fortunately, we got so many high-quality abstracts in the early round, we were not able to save any talk slots for the late round. Talk slots will open up only if some early-round speakers decide not to attend the conference.
Abstract format. To be considered for a poster, you only need to submit a 200-word short abstract. However, you should feel free to add a PDF (2 pages max) that better describes your work! Your PDF should include the title, author name(s), open source license, and code or project URL (even though this information is also requested on the submission form). Accepted abstracts are published on the BOSC website as-is.
Registration. This year, BOSC is a track (also called COSI) of ISMB/ECCB 2021online. There is no partial registration option; BOSC participants must register for the full ISMB/ECCB meeting.
Fee assistance. With help from our sponsors, we are able to offer registration fee assistance to some presenters. If the cost of registration is a barrier to your participation, just check a box on the abstract submission form to request registration fee assistance!
How posters will work. Authors whose poster abstracts are accepted will be able to upload content to the ISMB/ECCB virtual conference platform between July 19-23, including your full abstract, PDF of your poster (it doesn’t have to be poster-sized!), and a short (max 7 minutes) talk as a .mov or .mp4 file. Poster presenters will be able to host “video demo rooms” (with up to 15 participants) and engage in live Q&A with attendees during the poster session. The BOSC poster session is from 15:20-16:20 UTC on Thursday, July 29.
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