Post-BOSC CoFest will be online

’ello Co-Fest Friends!

After failing to find a good spot for an in-person CoFest, we decided to have the CoFest remotely! I was really excited to meet you all at this event (and have you all meet each other) in the real world, but we’ll have to settle for doing that at BOSC (for those who are there).

By all means, don’t let this stop your in-person innovations! Want to meet up and work at a café? Do it! Hotel room? It’s your room! Get some of your newest friends together and collaborate!

In order for that to happen, I’d LOVE (and so would others) to see what the projects are planning to be this year. If you are looking to help a project OR lead one, please add your name to the participation spreadsheet and your project idea to The Slides!

We’ll put together an agenda in the #cofest channel of the BOSC Slack (which everyone should join) and make that our main point of communication moving forward.

Thank you all for taking part and increasing the spirit of collaboration!

–Thomas Schlapp, CoFest 2022 organizer