Call for the second round of OBF Event Fellowship 2022 & overview from the first round

The call for applications for the OBF Event Fellowship 2022, round 2 is now open. The deadline for this round is 1 October 2022. Applications should be submitted via this Google Form. We have provided a Word template to help you draft the application locally before filling the form – make a copy of this template.

We invite applications from candidates who are seeking financial support to attend or host relevant scientific events from late October 2022 to April 2023. These events can be conferences, workshops, code fests, hackathons, training courses, collaborative sprints, informal meet-ups or other skill-building and networking events. For more details, please read our OBF Event Fellowship policy document.

OBF Event Fellowship Application DEADLINE for next round: October 1, 2022  The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) offers the OBF Event Fellowship program aimed at increasing diverse participation at events promoting open science practices such as open source bioinformatics resource development and dissemination in the biological research community.  These fellowships are available to support both in-person and remote (virtual) participation at events such as conferences, workshops, training courses or collaborative development sprints.

Screenshot of our application form information section

Overview of the round 1 of OBF Event Fellowship 2022

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program aims to support and encourage diverse participation at events focusing on open source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Each year we open two calls for applications, the deadlines for which are 1 April and 1 October.

In 2022 round 1, we received 17 applications, of which six applicants were awarded this fellowship for various events they were participating in. Congratulations Jemima Becker, Furkan M. Torun, Xi Zhang, Festus Nyasimi, Omar Ahmed, Emmanuel Adamolekun.

Confidence Goji Vandu was also granted their application to attend BOSC 2022, but due to admin oversight, they could not attend the event. The OBF Fellowship Award chairs are discussing how we can redirect this award towards another event the awardee might be able to attend.

Here, we have recently published blog posts from a few awardees summarising their experience from attending these conferences:

Congratulations to each of them!  We are delighted to support their participation with OBF Event Fellowships, and we wish them all the best for their future work.

Please share this post and apply for the fellowship before 1 October 2022. Also, read the updates from the OBF Event Fellowship chairs.