Nominate a keynote speaker for BOSC!

We are seeking a diverse list of potential BOSC keynote speakers. We invite you, our community, to nominate people you think would be appropriate (and at least somewhat likely to accept the invitation – for example, it is extremely unlikely that we would get a ‘yes’ from a recent Nobel Laureate). Please submit your nominations here (as many as you like; you can fill out the form more than once to submit additional suggestions) by the end of the day on Wednesday 2024-01-17.

Keynote talks are a highlight at BOSC. BOSC typically bookends keynotes at the beginning and end of the conference. These invited speakers are prominent individuals or emerging leaders who are accomplished in their fields, and whose work is likely to be of interest to the bioinformatics open source community. Before 2023, the process of selecting appropriate keynote speakers was done by the BOSC Organizing Committee. Last year, we realized that making the process more consistent, fair and transparent would better align with our values of openness and inclusivity; we therefore developed an open process and rubric for choosing keynote speakers. This process worked well, so we will use it again in 2024.

3 thoughts on “Nominate a keynote speaker for BOSC!”

  1. Núria Queralt Rosinach says:

    Hi dear BOSC community members,

    I have at least three options:

    1) Chris Evelo [ORCID:0000-0002-5301-3142]
    2) Andra Waagmeester [ORCID:0000-0001-9773-4008]
    3) Andrew I. Su [ORCID:0000-0002-9859-4104]

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to propose keynotes!

    With warm regards,

    1. Nomi Harris says:

      Hi Núria, thanks for your suggestions! Can you please submit them via the form?

      1. Núria Queralt Rosinach says:

        Sorry! my bad. Done properly now.

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