Open source and open minds – a memorable experience: TBNSS 2024

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program aims to promote diverse participation at events promoting open-source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Keerthana Padmanabhan, a PhD researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, INDIA, was awarded an OBF Event Fellowship to attend the Transatlantic Behavioral Neuroscience Summer School 2024 (TBNSS 2024).

In September 2024, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Transatlantic Behavioral Neuroscience Summer School 2024 (TBNSS 2024) conducted in Mikolajki, Poland, from September 9th to 20th 2024 by the Nencki Open Lab, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Poland. First and foremost, this was made possible by the travel fellowship granted to me by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation, for which I am extremely grateful.

Organizers and participants of TBNSS 2024

The summer school was a particularly enriching experience for me because it was my first summer school. It introduced me to the wonderful world of open science and also to a great community of researchers and friends. The interactions and discussions that ensued provided invaluable insights into neuroscience research and, importantly, about the incorporation of open source tools.

Arduino workshop during TBNSS 2024

The objective of the summer school was to provide the knowledge and skills to use open-source tools and open-source software to design our own devices and also for data analysis. This aids to surmount the multiple constraints in behavioural neuroscience research such as highly expensive devices and licensed software that may not be affordable for all.

Designing 3D cases and holders during 3D printing workshop

During the school we learned to use Arduino-based devices and Bonsai code for applications such as modifying the experimental environment and delivering stimuli. We learnt how to 3D print holders or cases for devices. In addition, we also were trained in Deeplabcut, Keypoint-MoSeq, and CEBRA for advanced data analysis. The presentations from invited speakers from various reputed universities and institutions across Europe was the cherry on the cake in our learning experience.

Building mini robots as a part of the Arduino workshop

We carried out group projects and presented our findings to have a complete hands-on application of what we learnt during the school. My group project consisted of using arduino-controlled devices to assess phototaxis in Drosophila.

Keerthana presenting her project at TBNSS 2024

The overall learning experience at the school was one of a kind and a maiden one for me. It has initiated me into the world of open science and has opened up a plethora of applications for my own research. The school has successfully managed to bring about participation of early-life researchers from underprivileged/under-represented countries and that is the highlight of this endeavour of TBNSS 2024. On a personal note, I have gained immensely in terms of knowledge enhancement and also made a whole lot of beautiful memories and very special friends at the school. My special thanks to the organizers of TBNSS 2024 for being such wonderful mentors and initiating someone with very little experience with coding into the world of open source software. I am happy that with these connections, I have just begun on a lifelong journey of learning and contributing to open-science. I hope this community continues to grow and I can continue to contribute to it.

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