Indexing sequence files with Biopython [ September 21, 2009 ] The forthcoming release of Biopython 1.52 will include a couple of nice improvements to the Bio.SeqIO module, and here we’re going to introduce the new index function.
BioRuby 1.3.1 released [ September 2, 2009 ] We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby 1.3.1. This new release fixes many bugs existed in 1.3.0. Here […]
Biopython 1.51 released [ August 17, 2009 ] We are pleased to announce the release of Biopython 1.51.This new stable release enhances version 1.50 (released in April) by […]
Minutes:2009 BOSC Meeting [ June 27, 2009 ] Note: this is preliminary and needs some editing. OBF Business Meeting at BOSC 2009 Location: Rica Talk Hotel, Restaurant 2nd […]
Biopython 1.51 beta released [ June 23, 2009 ] A beta release for Biopython 1.51 is now available for download and testing. In the two months since Biopython 1.50 […]
Clever tricks with NCBI Entrez… [ June 21, 2009 ] Constructing complicated Entrez searches can be tricky, but it turns out one of the Entrez Programming Utilities called Entrez EInfo can help. This can tell you all the searchable fields available for each of the Entrez databases.
BOSC Schedule Posted [ June 1, 2009 ] The BOSC 2009 schedule of speakers with links to abstracts has been posted at
BOSC Update: Ruttenberg, Hanmer confirmed… [ May 13, 2009 ] Alan Ruttenberg of Science Commons and Robert Hanmer of the Hillside Group have been confirmed as Keynote Speakers for BOSC […]
Dropping Python 2.3 Support [ May 6, 2009 ] As announced here, any last minute requests to postpone dropping support for Python 2.3 from the next release of Biopython […]
Introducing (and expanding) the Biopython… [ April 29, 2009 ] Hi all, You may have noticed we’re trying out using the wiki for Biopython cookbook entries. It’s a new idea […]
Biopython projects chosen for Google… [ April 27, 2009 ] Congratulations to Nick Matzke and Eric Talevich who have had Biopython projects accepted for this year’s Google Summer of Code. […]
Biopython release 1.50 [ April 20, 2009 ] We are pleased to announce Biopython release 1.50, featuring some significant additions since Biopython 1.49 was released late last year. […]
Reminder: Abstracts for BOSC 2009… [ April 10, 2009 ] This is a reminder from the BOSC 2009 Organizing committee that abstracts for BOSC are due on Monday, April 13.
Biopython 1.50 beta released [ April 3, 2009 ] We are pleased to announce a beta release of Biopython 1.50 for public testing. There have been some significant changes […]
Biopython on twitter [ March 27, 2009 ] Just to let you all know, Biopython is now on twitter. And in case you missed the OBF announcement last […]
Biopython and next generation sequencing [ March 26, 2009 ] Those of you doing next generation sequencing may be pleased to know that the next release of Biopython is expected […]
Biopython paper published [ March 22, 2009 ] An Application Note describing Biopython has recently been accepted for publication in the Oxford Journal Bioinformatics. An advance copy of […]
Biopython and version control systems [ March 17, 2009 ] Initially for evaluation purposes only, Giovanni and Bartek have setup a mirror of Biopython on GitHub, which is automatically updated […]