Bioperl 1.2.2 released [ July 8, 2003 ] This is a bug fix release from the stable branch. The Bioperl release 1.2.2 is available at and is […]
BOSC’2003 Pictures are online [ July 2, 2003 ] Our “Bioinformatics Open Source Conference” was held in Brisbane, Australia in conjunction with the larger ISMB’2003 meeting. It was quite […]
Release candidate 1.2.2 available [ July 2, 2003 ] A possible release candidate for BioPerl 1.2.2 is now available for download: Please download and give it a test. […]
BOSC finishes and I weep… [ June 28, 2003 ] BOSC always comes and goes so fast. I am a melancholy kind of guy so whenever things finish up I […]
They let me into Australia,… [ June 28, 2003 ] If you are not lucky enough to be here in wonderfully beautiful Brisbane with beaches next to the river and […]
Montreal BioJava Bootcamp Announced [ June 27, 2003 ] BioneQ, the Quebec Bioinformatics Network, is organizing the first North American BioJava Bootcamp from August 18th to 22nd. We have […]
BioPerl workshop materials online [ June 27, 2003 ] Heikki has converted some Bioperl workshop materials to a web slide show that is available here:
BioJava 1.3 Released [ June 18, 2003 ] Highlights of this release include: – Packed storage of sequence data in memory – Better support for the OBDA database access standards – Improvements to the parsers for output from tools like blast and fasta. – Many enhancements to the FeatureFilter system.
Chromatogram viewing with Java [ June 17, 2003 ] Rhett Sutphin provides a mini-primer and some example code that shows how to view Chromatogram files with java. His full […]
The Open Biological Database Access… [ June 12, 2003 ] Do you need to access sequences from multiple places? Would you like to easily retrieve your own local sequences from […]
BioJava tutorial updated [ June 5, 2003 ] Mark writes: The tutorial site BioJava in Anger has been updated so the code examples reflect the new APIs in […]
bioperl-run 1.2.0 released [ May 29, 2003 ] Shawn Hoon announces the release of bioperl-run-1.2.0 which is an extention to the bioperl framework that contains modules that act […]
Avantgo-friendly channel for bioperl list [ May 28, 2003 ] Jonathan Epstein has a simple script and directions for browsing bioperl list traffic offline via a mobile device. The full […]
AGP-bases DAS reference server available [ May 23, 2003 ] Tony writes: I have just checked in to the Bio::Das perl beta CVS repository (“Bio-Das2”) a collection of modules that […]
parser for ab initio gene… [ May 23, 2003 ] Jason writes: I’ve added a parser for the ab initio gene predictor GlimmerM in Bio::Tools::Glimmer. Tests are added to t/Genpred.t […]
BioSQL and Bioperl-db inching towards… [ May 23, 2003 ] I got the Oracle version of the biosql schema fully migrated, at least as far as I can tell from here. I’m going to commit the new version some time today. There will also be a sql*plus migration script from pre-Singapore to the current version that supposedly keeps your data intact (be sure to read the disclaimer though).
New website [ May 11, 2003 ] The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here. That’s right, it’s time for a brand new website! Woo. […]
new tab sequence format [ April 17, 2003 ] Heikki writes: Philip Lijnzaad has written a new sequence format module called ‘tab’. It is in CVS. Here is the […]