Schedule of BoF meetings
(Tentative - pending final room details)
Day 2 (July 20, 2001) |
Time | Tivolisalen (60 people) | Salon (15 people) |
During Biopathways |
4:00 - 5:00 |
BioAgent |
OmniGene |
During dinner break |
5:00 - 6:00 |
(available) |
(available) |
6:00 - 7:00 |
(available) |
(available) |
Main BoF meetings |
Time | Main room | Totunden | Lounge |
7:00 - 7:45 |
New Bioperlers |
Novella |
DeCAL (finishes 8pm) |
7:45 - 8:30 |
Naming |
8:30 - 9:15 |
Bioperl |
(available) |
(available) |
9:15 - 10:00 |
(available) |
(available) |
Over beers |
Infrastructure |
If you would like to reserve one of the available rooms or reschedule
your BoF, please contact Andrew Dalke in person or at dalke@dalkescientific.com.
Facility information is available at
Description of Scheduled BoFs
Biopython (General meeting)
Organizer: Jeff Chang (jchang@smi.stanford.edu)
This is a non-technical meeting meant for people to learn more about
what Biopython does, put faces
to email addresses, offer help, and express needs and other ideas for
the future.
Biopython (Developers)
Organizer: Jeff Chang (jchang@smi.stanford.edu)
This is a technical meeting for the core developers. The goal of this
meeting is to get together and hash out the API fixes that need to be
done for the 1.00 release, including integrating the Martel parsers,
cleaning up the sequence code and hashing out a system for SeqIO.
New Bioperlers
Organizer: Peter Schattner (schattner@alum.mit.edu)
A mini-introduction to Bioperl
in a tutorial / presentation format, with plenty of allowance for
questions and discussion. For more information, see the
writeup of a similar presentation given recently.
Bioperl Developers
Organizer: Jason Stajich (jason@chg.mc.duke.edu)
Bioperl developers talking about architecture, long range plans, how
to make the toolkit more applicable to more people. Getting and
keeping more developers on board. Plans for the 1.0 release and
Ensembl for programmers
Organizer: Ewan Birney (birney@ebi.ac.uk)
Discussion about Ensembl.
Organizer: Juha Muilu (muilu@embl-ebi.ac.uk)
We will discuss about the recent BioCORBA/BSANE integration. For more
info please have a look at http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~muilu/OMG/BSANE.
(This page will be updated frequently) or read the mailing list archive at http://biocorba.org/pipermail/biocorba-l/.
Organizer: Martin Senger (senger@embl-ebi.ac.uk)
CORBA access to the analysis. Design and implementation issues as
described in the Novella project: http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/novella.
Organizer: Lincoln Stein (lstein@cshl.org)
Discussion about DAS.
Organizer: Jason Stajich (jason@chg.mc.duke.edu)
Informatics Infrastructure design - idea swapping about unified
database access and other topics which surfaced on the infrastructure
list this past year.
Organizer: Debra Goldberg (debra@cam.cornell.edu)
A meeting for developers to learn more about DeCAL. We
need people with many different interests, including designing
additional input data formats, visualization of output, architecture,
and algorithmic improvements. Come get involved early, so your ideas
will have the greatest impact.
Supporting Open Source Software
Organizer: Tania Hide (tania@egenetics.com)
The aim of this BoF is to discuss with developers (and, if possible,
users too) what issues they face in terms of being able to support
development and use of their open source software efforts. Efforts
such as documentation (both user documentation and code
documentation), installation, user queries, etc. are examples that
readily come to mind, but it is assumed that there is more lurking
behind the scenes.
NamingBoF / Identifiers
Organizer: Andrew Dalke (dalke@dalkescientific.com)
Come up with a standard naming scheme for database
identifiers so different people and software can agree how to
exchange references to sequence record. See also the mailing list at
Organizer: Brian Gilman (gilmanb@genome.wi.mit.edu)
This will be a technical meeting to discuss the architecture and
design for
OmniGene, a
BioInformatics middleware utilizing DAS/SOAP/JXTA/UDDI.
Organizer: Emanuela Merelli (merelli@camcic.unicam.it)
BioAgent is an intelligent
mobile agent platform designed and developed to support people
involved in biodata manipulation. BioAgent is an open source
distributed system based on Java and XML.
We propose a meeting for people interested in extracting and
integrating biological data using an open-source system which doesn't
require all the data to be centralized on a single site.
Organizer: Thomas Down (td2@sanger.ac.uk)
Discussion about BioJava
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Last modified: Tue Jul 10 18:21:55 PDT 2001