BOSC 2001 Bioinformatics Open Source Conference


Day 1 (July 19, 2001)
8:00 -  9:00Registration (Restaurant Nimb, Tivoli Gardens)
9:00 -  9:15Introduction and welcomeEwan Birney
9:15 -  9:25The Open Source author's contractSteven Brenner
9:25 -  9:50BioJava project reportThomas Down
9:50 - 10:15Biopython project reportAndrew Dalke
10:15 - 10:35BioCORBA project reportJason Stajich
10:35 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 11:25biokCatherine Letondal  
11:25 - 12:00Lightning Talks:
 OMG's new Model Driven ArchitectureScott Markel
  BioRubyYoshinori Okuji
  GenquireDavid Block
  Generation and use of substitution matrices in BiopythonIddo Friedberg
12:00 -  1:30Lunch and poster session
1:30 -  5:00 (BioPathways talks)
5:00 -  7:00Break and dinner
7:00 -  8:00BoF Sessions A
8:00 -  9:00BoF Sessions B
9:00 - 10:00BoF Sessions C

Day 2 (July 20, 2001)
8:00 -  9:00Registration (Restaurant Nimb, Tivoli Gardens)
9:00 -  9:25Bioperl project reportHilmar Lapp
9:25 -  9:45EnsEMBL project reportArne Stabenau
9:45 - 10:35Lightning Talks:
  Bioperl-dbEwan Birney
  OpenBSAJuha Muilu
  OpenBQS - Bibliographic Query ServiceMartin Senger
  Genetic algorithm and neural network librariesBrad Chapman
  Mining gene expression information using a controlled hierarchical
Peter van Heusden
  TFBS: Perl modules for transcription factor detection and analysisBoris Lenhard
10:35 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 11:25A tool suite for the Gene OntologyChris Mungall
11:25 - 11:50DeCAL: A system for constructing comparative mapsDebra Goldberg
11:50 - 12:00Conclusions and announcements
12:00 -  1:30Lunch and poster session
1:30 -  5:00 (BioPathways talks)
5:00 -  7:00Break and dinner
7:00 -  8:30BoF Sessions D
8:30 -  10:00BoF Sessions E

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Last modified: Tue Jul 10 18:21:55 PDT 2001