Welcome to the new OBF website!

Over the past few weeks, we have been working behind the scenes to migrate our website, resulting in the page that you currently have in front of you! Our pages are now generated by the Go-based, open source static site generator Hugo, and are stored on GitHub. All old URLs should continue working as before, but if you run into any missing pages or other issues, please let us know by submitting an issue or contacting us via the channels linked in the page footer. [Read More]

OBF Public Board Meeting: 2023-12-19, 11am EST

All are invited to join us (via Zoom) at the OBF’s upcoming public Board meeting. Date, Time, and How to Join Date and time: 2023-12-19, 16:00 UTC (8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UK) Agenda Approve October 2022 Public Board Meeting minutes Review and approve minor changes to bylaws Remove one instance of gendered language, replacing “her” with “their” Change title of “Secretary” of Board to “Vice President” (with duties unchanged) Elections to the Board Three Board members are up for re-election: Peter Cock (President), Heather Wiencko (Treasurer), and Hilmar Lapp (Member at Large) This will be an electronic ballot of the current board members After the meeting, the meeting minutes will be made available in the obf-docs GitHub repository as a pull request. [Read More]

<strong>OBF and BOSC leaving Twitter/X</strong>

As of November 21, 2023, the Open Bioinformatics Foundation and BOSC will no longer post on Twitter/X. Although in the past it was a useful social medium, it is no longer compatible with our values, as expressed in the OBF Code of Conduct: We are committed to creating a friendly and respectful place for learning, sharing and contributing. All participants in our events and communications are expected to show respect and courtesy to others. [Read More]

<strong>Winfred Gatua: Hybrid Carpentries workshop supported by OBF Event Fellowship</strong>

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program aims to promote diverse participation at events promoting open-source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Winfred Gatua, Doctor of Philosophy, Bristol Medical School , was awarded an OBF Event Fellowship to organize a Hybrid Carpentries workshop at Laikipia University, Kenya. Hosting and facilitating a hybrid carpentries workshop in my home country is an excellent highlight for me. [Read More]

OBF mailing lists migrating to paid hosting, likely Mailchimp

We’re sharing some important news with you regarding our mailing lists. From early on, we’ve maintained a self-hosted Mailman server for any OBF project that needs a mailing list, including our member roster list. After careful consideration, we have decided we need a solution that keeps track more reliably with current and emerging spam-fighting technologies and standards, and that simultaneously requires much less administration time and know-how. Specifically, we are planning to migrate the lists to paid hosting, possibly Mailchimp. [Read More]

Ruth Nanjala: My experience attending and participating at the ICHG 2023 conference hosted in the Mother City

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program aims to promote diverse participation at events promoting open-source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Ruth Nanjala, a DPhil student in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford, was awarded an OBF Event Fellowship to attend the International Congress of Human Genetics (ICHG) 2023 conference. Earlier in 2022, I received the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship for participating and promoting open science at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2022 conference in Los Angeles. [Read More]

Hannah Wei webinar video now available

On March 14, 2023, we held a webinar (hosted by ISCBacademy) about “Re-Thinking the Patient’s Role in a Learning Health System: Lessons from the Patient-Led Research Collaborative” presented by Hannah Wei, co-founder and technologist at the Patient-Led Research Collaborative. See the webinar announcement for a full description. BOSC organizing committee member Monica Munoz-Torres introduced Ms. Wei and fielded a lively Q&A session. The webinar recording is available on YouTube at https://youtu. [Read More]

OBF Public Board Meeting, 2022-10-21

Date, Time, and How to Join Date and time: 2022-10-21, 15:00 UTC (8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UK) Agenda Board Officer Elections Chris Fields wishes to step down as Secretary, and Nomi Harris is standing for election to this role This will be an electronic ballot of the current board members Elections to the Board Iddo Friedberg, running for Board member at-large ( statement of interest) This will be an electronic ballot of the current board members Bylaw Changes We periodically review our bylaws Changes must formally approved by the Board at a public board meeting We plan minor changes to avoid gendered language, including subsuming the Secretary role (with historical gendered associations) into a Vice President role. [Read More]

OBF Community Support Sponsorship scheme funds first pilot project

The OBF Community Support Sponsorship scheme aims to sponsor small open-source-focused events like a scientific meeting, small conference, training workshop, hackathon, or time-limited series like monthly seminars. See details in this post. One application was funded under this program to prototype the workflow, with OBF offering financial support for a seminar series hosted by the Bioinformatics Hub Kenya. Congratulations to Michael Kofia Landi for leading this application and working collaboratively with the BHKi team – Pauline Karega, David Kiragu, Margaret Wanjiku and Festus Nyasimi – and OBF Board including Treasurer Heather Wiencko, to help establish a process for this new type of OBF funding. [Read More]

Reflections from my 3 years on the OBF Board - Malvika Sharan

Thank You. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash I have reached the end of my term after working with the OBF board members since 2019 and have stepped down from the board. It is bittersweet! I will miss seeing my colleagues from OBF in monthly calls, but also, this comes with an opportunity to make space for new voices to come into the leadership role of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. [Read More]