Biopython 1.63 beta released

Source distributions and Windows installers for Biopython 1.63 beta are now available from the downloads page on the official Biopython website. This is a beta release for testing purposes, the main reason for a beta version is the large amount of changes imposed by the removal of the 2to3 library previously required for the support of Python 3.X. This was made possible by dropping Python 2.5 (and Jython 2.5). This release of Biopython supports Python 2. [Read More]

Biopython 1.62 released

Source distributions and Windows installers for Biopython 1.62 are now available from the downloads page on the official Biopython website and ( soon) from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Python support This is our first release of Biopython which officially supports Python 3. Specifically, this is supported under Python 3.3. Older versions of Python 3 may still work albeit with some issues, but are not supported. We still fully support Python 2. [Read More]

BOSC 2013

Hello from Berlin, where the pre-BOSC informal CodeFest 2013 meeting is already underway. We’re looking forward to seeing even more of you on Friday and Saturday for BOSC 2013. BOSC 2013 will be the 14th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference, and is organised by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF). It is held as a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting in conjunction with the ISMB conference, which itself is held jointly with the ECCB meeting every second year. [Read More]

BioRuby Released

We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby This new release fixes the following bugs.

  • “gem install bio” failed with Ruby 2.0 or later versions.
  • lib/bio/db/gff.rb script encoding issue
  • Bio::Blast::Default::Report parse error when subject sequence contains spaces.

For more information, see RELEASE_NOTES.rdoc and ChangeLog.

[Read More]

Biopython 1.61 released

Source distributions and Windows installers for Biopython 1.61 are now available from the downloads page on the Biopython website and from the Python Package Index (PyPI). The updated Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook is online ( PDF). Platforms/Deployment We currently support Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 and also test under Python 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (including modules using NumPy), and Jython 2.5 and PyPy 1.9 (Jython and PyPy do not cover NumPy or our C extensions). [Read More]

OBF Board meeting 13 Nov

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) will be holding a public Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, 13 Nov, 2012, at 11.30am EST (8.30am PST, 17:30 CET, 16:30 UTC/GMT). The meeting will be held online or over conference call. We will post details about how to dial in or connect closer to the date ( here). On the agenda Richard Holland and Chris Fields are running for election to the Board, and some other items primarily up for discussion, including how to keep our membership roll up-to-date and increasing with the least barriers. [Read More]

Server transition process to AWS servers

Our aging server which has run for 5+ years the OBF sites has finally reached end of its lifespan. We are currently migrating sites to AWS volumes and sites for a temporary period while we decide about how to continue to support these services in the future. There will be some downtime while the all-volunteer OBF admin team makes time to fix this. Nearly all projects use public source code repositories such as github or sourceforge so no problems with access to the code should be limiting. [Read More]

OBF is now an SPI-associated project

I am very pleased to announce that the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (O|B|F) is now a Software in the Public Interest (SPI) associated project, rather than its own not-for-profit incorporation. An electronic vote of O|B|F members on whether or not to provisionally approve the invitation from SPI closed yesterday at 19:00 UTC. We had a participation of 39 out of 105 eligible, or 37%, which is far above the quorum of 10%. [Read More]

BioRuby 1.4.3 released

We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby 1.4.3. This new release fixes bugs existed in 1.4.2 and improves portability on JRuby and Rubinius. Here is a brief summary of changes. Bio::KEGG::KGML bug fixes and new class Bio::KEGG::KGML::Graphics for storing a graphics element. Many failures and errors running on JRuby and Rubinius are resolved. Strange behavior related with “circular require” is fixed. Fixed: Genomenet remote BLAST does not work. Fixed: Bio::NucleicAcid. [Read More]

Travis-CI for Testing

Earlier this year BioRuby and then Biopython and BioPerl started using, a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community, to run their unit tests automatically whenever their GitHub repositories are updated: BioRuby Biopython BioPerl The BioRuby team are also using Travis-CI for automated testing of their new ‘plugin’ ecosystem, BioRuby Gems, or BioGems. Travis-CI gives us continuous testing, but for the moment only covers one operating system (currently 32 bit Ubuntu Linux using Virtual Machines). [Read More]