Reminder: Abstracts for BOSC 2009 Due April 13
This is a reminder from the BOSC 2009 Organizing committee that abstracts for BOSC are due on Monday, April 13.
Biopython on twitter
Just to let you all know, Biopython is now on twitter. And in case you missed the OBF announcement last month, so is the O|B|F News feed (and BioPerl). You are welcome to follow us (all) on twitter.
I’d also like to remind people there are news feeds for the Biopython news posts (as RDF, RSS, RSS2, or Atom format). We’re planning to have these automatically echoed onto twitter in future… (update) …and that seems to be working now :)
Biopython and next generation sequencing
Biopython paper published
An Application Note describing Biopython has recently been accepted for publication in the Oxford Journal Bioinformatics. An advance copy of the Open Access article is available online:
P.J.A. Cock, T. Antao, J.T. Chang, B.A. Chapman, C.J. Cox, A. Dalke, I. Friedberg, T. Hamelryck, F. Kauff, B. Wilczynski and M.J.L. de Hoon (2009) Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. Bioinformatics, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp163
Biopython and version control systems
Google Summer of Code: Project ideas page
A wiki page for collecting ideas, possible projects, prerequisites, possible solution approaches, mentors, other people or channels to contact for more information or to bounce ideas off of, etc. has been setup: