Kam Dahlquist elected to Board of Directors

The minutes of the November 2008 O|B|F Board of Directors meeting have been posted. The most important result of that meeting is that Kam Dahlquist was elected to the Board, bringing the number of Board members back to four. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Kam! We aim to elect additional Directors this year, please contact the Nominating Committee if you are interested in serving, or if you know people who might be. [Read More]

OBF Conference Call Board Meeting

The OBF Conference call is scheduled for 12:30PM to 2PM PST on Wednesday Nov 19, 2008. Members of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation and those interested in the decisions are invited to listen in and participate. A brief agenda is available here. Please email Hilmar Lapp at hlapp _AT_ gmx.net for call in number and codes if you wish to participate or listen to the discussion. Those official members should have gotten an email via the OBF members email list. [Read More]

OBF Board Meeting

The OBF board meeting will be held via conference call on Nov 19, from 12:30PM to 2PM PST.  Agenda items and information about participating is available on the agenda webpage. We anticipate this call primarily to manage administrative tasks for the foundation. We welcome input on including more members in the OBF leadership and helping set the direction for the foundation.