Guest post by Thomas Schlapp, CoFest organizer This year we’re looking to have another post-BOSC CoFest! Last year (my first year being involved in BOSC at all) showed me just how collaborative and innovative this community can be. I’d absolutely LOVE to see more of it again. Last year we saw six very fascinating projects see progress (look them over HERE!). Let’s see if we cannot do just a few more in the name of innovation and collaboration!
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New Code of Conduct, Community Support Sponsorship approved by OBF membership vote
As previously described, during the November 2021 public Board meeting, the OBF announced two new initiatives to be voted on by the OBF membership. Both of these received a large majority of votes:
OBF Community Support Sponsorship (53 for, 3 against, 2 abstaining) OBF Code of Conduct (54 for, 2 against, 1 abstaining) The work to set up the new Community Support Sponsorship is underway. The new Code of Conduct is now available on the OBF website.
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OBF Membership Referendum
During our last public Board meeting, the OBF announced two new initiatives that are being proposed for approval by the OBF membership in a formal votes.
1. OBF Community Support Sponsorship: a proposed new grant programme, based on the OBF Event Fellowships but aimed at supporting grassroots projects running events in their own communities. For details see: - /2021/05/11/obf-community-support-sponsorship/ -
2. Code of Conduct: BOSC has a code of conduct, as part of the parent conference, but OBF does not yet have its own code of conduct.
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My virtual participation at the RISC-V 2021 summit
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program aims to promote diverse participation at events promoting open source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Rupesh Gelal, a student from Nepal Engineering College, Nepal, attended the 2021 RISC-V Summit, supported by this fellowship granted to him in the second round of 2021.
The pandemic has made attending conferences and events more accessible for full-time students like me, who often can’t travel internationally to attend in-person events.
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Two new members elected to OBF Board
The OBF held a public Board meeting on September 21, 2021, via Zoom. During the meeting, one Board member, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, whose term expired, was elected to another term as Board member-at-large, and two new Board members were elected: Hilyatuz Zahroh and Caleb Kibet. Additionally, two proposals were presented (see below). The meeting minutes will be made available in the obf-docs GitHub repository.
Hilyatuz (“Hilya”) Zahroh is a bioinformatician at the Genetics Research Centre, Universitas YARSI, in Indonesia.
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Event Fellowship deadline extended to October 4, 2021
The deadline for applying for an OBF Event Fellowship has just been extended to October 4, 2021! The OBF Event Fellowship program is aimed at increasing diverse participation at events relating to open source bioinformatics. You can read blog posts by previous Event Fellowship recipients.
See more details on our webpage, and submit your application at!
OBF Public Board Meeting, 2021-09-21
Date, Time, and How to Join Date and time: 2021-09-21, 17:00 UTC (10am PT / 1pm ET / 18:00 UK) Participation link: Password: OBF2021 Meeting ID: 973 1275 7115
Agenda Approve minutes from the previous Public Board Meeting:
Term expirations and Elections to the Board (electronic ballot) Hilyatuz Zahroh and Caleb Kibet, running for Board member at-large Board member Bastian Greshake Tzovaras’ term expires this year and he would like to stand for another term as member-at-large.
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Call for application for the OBF Event Fellowship - second round 2021
The call for application for the second round of this year’s Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship is open. Please submit your application before October 1, 2021 (save a calendar reminder).
Just announced: deadline extended to October 4, 2021!
Please apply via this Google application form:
The OBF Event Fellowship program is aimed at increasing diverse participation at events promoting open science practices such as open source bioinformatics resource development and dissemination in the biological research community.
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Summary of my participation at the GLBIO-2021 conference funded by OBF Event Fellowship
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) Event Fellowship program supports and encourages diverse participation at events focusing on open source bioinformatics software development and open science practices in the biological research community. Sona Charles, a Scientist (Bioinformatics) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, India, was supported to participate in the Great Lakes Bioinformatics (GLBIO) 2021 Conference by this award granted to her in the application round-1 of 2021. Find more information here.
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Request for comments on the OBF Code of Conduct draft
The OBF is committed to providing a harassment-free and respectful environment for all members of our community. To ensure that we are clearly describing norms, rules, and recommended practices for all our participants and members, we have provided a first draft of the OBF Code of Conduct and shared it recently in our newsletter.
You can find the draft together with our request for comments on this pull request (see a preview here).
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