OBF Community Support Sponsorship

The following outlines a potential new grant programme, subject to approval by the OBF membership in a formal vote, which the OBF board would hope to launch this year. Motivation In 2016, the OBF introduced a “Travel Fellowship” to help individuals attend meetings, aiming to improve diversity in the bioinformatics community. Awardees were reimbursed (with receipts) after the event in which they participated, with a standard cap of USD $1000. The Travel Fellowship was later renamed the “Event Fellowship” reflecting that with the COVID-19 pandemic (and hopefully longer-term changes in scientific conferences to promote the participation of diverse members in online events and reduce carbon emissions), attending events no longer automatically means travelling in person. [Read More]

Seeking community volunteers: nomination open for OBF board election 2021

TL;DR: Nominate candidates or yourself for the OBF board via this form or work with OBF in other volunteer capacities. Nominations are welcome for the OBF Board election OBF is committed to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development and Open Science within the biological research community. The roles and functions of OBF have evolved over the last 20 years, and currently include: - hosting and sponsoring the annual events, Bioinformatics Open Source Conference [Read More]

Would you like to make a difference in grassroots open bioinformatics?

About three years ago I nervously responded to a blog post from the OBF looking for board member applications from people who were interested in leading open science related initiatives. This went as well as I possibly could have hoped - both myself and the other applicant, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, officially joined the board in March of 2018 for a three-year term. Over the last (nearly) three years, I’ve learned a lot and have participated in many OBF activities I can be proud of. [Read More]

Google Summer of Code 2020 Wrap Up

OBF was accepted as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code this year. It was another good year for OBF, with Kai Blin, Michael R. Crusoe, Sarthak Sehgal, and Yo Yehudi as administrators. We hosted eight students all of which successfully completed their work: Srijan Verma (mentors: Dmitry Petrov, Dymitr Nowicki, Vlada Tyshchenko, Anton Kulaga) - Healthcare-Researcher-Connector (HRC): A Federated Learning package for bridging the gap between Healthcare providers and researchers Himanshi Mathur (mentors: Jun Aruga, Evan Nemerson, Michael R. [Read More]

Call for applications for OBF Event Fellowship, Round 2 of 2020

We are glad to announce that the call for applications for the OBF Event Fellowship is now open. The deadline for this round is 1 October 2020. Applications should be submitted via this Google Form. Renaming from “OBF Travel Fellowship” to “OBF Event Fellowship” One of the goals of the OBF fellowship is to increase the participation of members from traditionally underrepresented groups at events or communities that promote Open Source software development and/or open science practices in the biological sciences. [Read More]

Announcing OBF (travel) fellowship awardees for 2020 round 1

on behalf of the OBF Board members We are delighted to announce that four awardees have been selected to receive the OBF travel fellowship for 2020 round 1, to support their participation in virtual events. The OBF travel fellowship is now offered 2 times a year to multiple awardees towards supporting their participation in scientific workshops, conference and training events. The selection of individuals is made based on their applications, which state how their participation in the chosen event helps them promote open science practices in bioinformatics and/or enhance representation of minority groups in their communities. [Read More]

OBF Travel Fellowship 2020: Round 1 and BCC 2020

We are currently accepting applications for the first application round for the OBF Travel Fellowship 2020. This fellowship aims to promote the conference/event participation of attendees who advocate and present their work related to open-source bioinformatics software development and open science in the biological research community. In 2019, a total of 9 applicants received OBF travel fellowships to attend various conferences across the globe to present their work, gain new skills and promote Open Science practices in their respective areas of life science. [Read More]

OBF Board elections, December 2019

During the public OBF Board Meeting held on December 17, 2019, elections were held for five Board members whose terms were about to expire. All five stood for re-election to the Board, though with some changes of officers: Hilmar Lapp: stepped down after 8 years as President of the Board; elected to At-Large seat. Peter Cock: elected as President of the Board. Heather Wiencko: elected as Treasurer, replacing previous Treasurer Peter Cock. [Read More]

Creating an OBF-wide Code of Conduct

Among the core values shared across the OBF community are inclusiveness and welcoming newcomers to contribute, without discrimination. Every year at BOSC, when we ask who is at BOSC for the first time, about half of the audience’s hands go up. To signify the importance of this, both to existing and prospective community members, BOSC successfully advocated several years ago for ISMB to adopt a Code of Conduct by ISMB (which applies to BOSC when it is held as part of ISMB). [Read More]

OBF Travel Fellowship: August 2019 awards

A record number of people applied for the latest round of the OBF Travel Fellowship, which closed on August 15, 2019. Out of this great set of applicants, we offered travel awards to three who epitomize the goal of the awards: to promote diversity in the world of open source bioinformatics / open science. The awardees are Arunav Konwar, Fernanda Troyner and Nicolás Palopoli. Arunav has contributed to open source projects including Deep Learning Indaba (an African Machine Learning community), Wikimedia, and Metafluidics. [Read More]