The color of bioinformatics: what is it and how can it be modified?
Posted on August 29, 2018
| tendai
This is a guest blog post from Tendai Mutangadura, who was supported by the ongoing Open Bioinformatics Foundation travel fellowship program to attend the GCCBOSC 2018 meeting in Portland, June 2018. The OBF’s Travel Fellowship program continues to help open source bioinformatics software developers with funding to attend conferences or workshops. This was one of three awards from our April 2018 travel fellowships call. Our August call recently closed, the current call closes 15 December 2018, you might want to apply?
[Read More]City of roses they call it - Portland Oregon (USA)
Posted on August 18, 2018
| farahzk
How should I start describing the fruitful experience in this amazing city… First time ever in Portland, second time attending BOSC… I knew I was signing up for a great time but did not know much about the uncanny beauty of this picturesque city.
First of all, I would like to thank the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) for providing partial funding to support my travel expenses (though an OBF Travel Fellowship award). I would also like to thank my PhD supervisors Andrew Lonie and Richard O. Sinnott for the remaining expenditure.
[Read More]Taking Turns
Posted on August 2, 2018
| nlharris
BOSC 2019 will be part of ISMB 2019 Every year until 2018, BOSC was part of the annual ISMB conference as a community of special interest (COSI, formerly known as a SIG, Special Interest Group). As part of our continuing quest to broaden and deepen the BOSC community, we decided to perform an experiment this year by partnering with the Galaxy Community Conference rather than with ISMB. As we reported, the experiment was a success–participants were overwhelmingly positive about the experience, and the conference did attract a somewhat different mix of attendees than in past years.
[Read More]Travel award recipients for April 2018
Posted on May 25, 2018
| peterc
We had another great round of applications for the OBF Travel Fellowship this spring. After reviewing the applications, the OBF Board selected three recipients, who have all accepted the award.
Congratulations to our spring 2018 recipients:
Anisha Keshavan – attended the eLife Innovation Sprint. Anisha is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington, where she develops open source code, including citizen scientist platforms for image quality classification and image segmentation ( update - see blog post).
[Read More]Welcome to our Google Summer of Code 2018 students
Posted on April 24, 2018
| kblin
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation is again participating in the Google Summer of Code program this year. Last Monday the selected students were announced. Congratulations to all of you, and a heartfelt welcome. I also want to use this opportunity to thank all students who applied. Resources were limited, we did not get all the slots that we asked for, and so we had to make some tough choices. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours, and hope to be able to work with you in future.
[Read More]Welcome to our new board members!
Posted on March 20, 2018
| yo
As mentioned in our previous blog post, last Friday the OBF had a board of directors meeting. One of the notable meeting items this time was to elect more board members to help be involved with the community. We’re pleased to announce that both candidates, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras and Yo Yehudi, were unanimously voted in by the other board members!Logically, one of their first moves as newly minted members was to draft this blog post!
[Read More]OBF Public Board Meeting to take place March 16, 2018 at 15:00 UTC
Posted on March 5, 2018
| nlharris
The OBF Board of Directors holds a public meeting about once a year, in accordance with our bylaws. The next such meeting will take place on March 16, 2018, at 15:00 UTC (11am EDT / 8am PDT / 16:00 CET). The meeting agenda can be found at /wiki/Minutes:2018_Mar_ConfCall.
At this public Board meeting, we will consider two new candidates running for Board seats: Bastian Greshake Tzovaras and Yo Yehudi. Both are known for their promotional and organizational involvement in open science, open data and open source bioinformatics.
[Read More]OBF accepted as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code 2018
Posted on February 23, 2018
| kblin
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation has been accepted as a mentoring organisation for the 2018 instance of the Google Summer of Code. OBF is acting as an umbrella for ten bioinformatics Open Source projects, making it possible to offer a very diverse set of student projects.
Are you a student and interested in applying for any of the projects? The student application period is open from March 12th through 27th from the official GSoC website.
[Read More]GCCBOSC 2018: A Bioinformatics Community Conference - Call for Abstracts
Posted on February 21, 2018
| peterc

We are pleased to announce that abstract submission and early registration for GCCBOSC2018 are now open. This event brings our annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference and the Galaxy Community Conference together into a unified week-long event. If you work in open source life science or data-intensive biomedical research, then there is no better place than GCCBOSC 2018 to present your work and to learn from others.
[Read More]Arun Decano awarded OBF Travel Fellowship
Posted on January 31, 2018
| nlharris
Arun Decano is a PhD research fellow in the Infection Genomics Group at Dublin City University in Dublin, Ireland. Her research, with advisor Dr. Tim Downing, focuses on the phylogenomic study of a multidrug-resistant bacterial population and aims to develop novel infection control strategies using whole genome sequence data.
The Open Bioinformatics Foundation awarded Ms. Decano a travel fellowship to help defray the cost of attending the European Galaxy Administrator Workshop ( https://www.
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