Mailing list consolidation

The OBF’s self-hosted mailman server is still struggling right now, so we are looking at migrating the active mailing lists to paid hosting, and as part of this consolidating down to ideally about a dozen mailing lists. Currently we have a lot of mailing lists, but many are dormant or redundant. [Read More]

Next OBF Travel Fellowship application deadline is Dec 15!

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation travel fellowship program was launched in 2016 to help increase diverse participation at events promoting open source bioinformatics software development and open science in the biological research community. There are four application deadlines per year; the next will be December 15, 2017. If you are hoping to attend an open source / open science bioinformatics even and travel costs are a barrier, we encourage you to apply for one of our $1000 travel fellowships. [Read More]

BOSC 2017 in Prague, the land of stories (and beer)

This is a guest blog post from Farah Zaib Khan, who was supported by the ongoing Open Bioinformatics Foundation travel fellowship program to attend our annual conference BOSC 2017 and its preceding Codefest in Prague, July 2017. The OBF’s Travel Fellowship program continues to help open source bioinformatics software developers with funding to attend conferences or workshops. The current call closes 15 December 2017, you might want to apply? [Read More]

OBF visioning 2017

TL;DR: The OBF isn’t doing enough in public policy and advocacy around Open Science, and we are looking to recruit a new board member who is interested in this role. Is that you? If yes, then contact us. At our October meeting, the OBF board took some time to think broadly about the OBF, current and future. We tried to answer the questions: What do we say we do? What do we actually do? [Read More]

Mailing list outage, and public board meeting update

This time of year we’d normally be having a public board meeting as part of our commitment to communication with our member projects and the wider OBF community. As per our bylaws we notify the community at least 10 days in advance, and we’d also handle election of new board members and leadership changes where appropriate. For a couple of reasons, we’re going to postpone that until early 2018. Our mailing list server (which hosts many of our member project lists) has been overwhelmed in the past few days, leading to delayed or blocked communication not just to our members but for our member projects who rely on it. [Read More]

Biopython on Podcast.__init__

Podcast.__init__ describes itself as “The Podcast About Python and the People Who Make It Great”, and the most recent episode is " Biopython with Peter Cock, Wibowo Arindrarto, and Tiago Antão (Episode 125)". Listening to the finished podcast, interviewer Tobias Macey did a great job. There are things I would have liked to have said - but it turned out pretty well. I hope you’ll agree: Its worth looking back over the podcast archives, here are a few that caught my eye: [Read More]

Travel fellowships: deadline August 15

The next deadline for the OBF travel fellowship is coming up soon on August 15, 2017. If you are attending any event that develops / promotes open source software or open science, and you are willing to write a blog post about the event, we welcome your application. See the travel fellowship page for more details and link to the application form.

Biopython 1.70 released

Dear Biopythoneers, Source distributions of Biopython 1.70 are now available from the downloads page on the official Biopython website, and the release is also on the Python Package Index (PyPI). Windows installers and/or wheels should be available later. ( Update: Compiled wheel packages now available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows). This release of Biopython supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 (we have now dropped support for Python 3. [Read More]

Travel award recipients for April 2017

We had a huge response to this round of the OBF travel award. After reviewing the applications, the OBF board selected four recipients. Three applicants accepted awards, and all plan to use the funds to attend this year’s BOSC, to take place July 22-23 in Prague. Congratulations to our spring 2017 recipients: Sourav Singh, who will participate in the Codefest and present the Biopython Project Update 2017 talk Jonathan Sobel, presenting on a citizen science project named BeerDeCoded, carried out by members of the Swiss non-profit called the Hackuarium Jiwen Xin, presenting the BioThings Explorer project, which integrates genomic data via public APIs We encourage everyone at BOSC to come out and support our award winners! [Read More]