BOSC 2021

Screenshot from Bioinformatics Community Conference 2020  July 19-21, 2020

BOSC 2021

BOSC 2021 is over! Part of ISMB/ECCB 2021 online, BOSC took place July 29-30, 2021, with CoFest following on July 31 - Aug 1. We thank all the participants and our sponsors, who enabled us to grant free registration to 20 participants around the world!

Check out the complete BOSC 2021 talk schedule, and videos of all the talks!

The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) has been held annually since 2000. In July 2020, BCC2020, the first Bioinformatics Community Conference, brought together the Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) and BOSC 2020 in a joint online meeting that attracted over 600 participants from 62 countries.

2021 Keynote Speakers


Keynote speakers at BOSC 2021:

  • Christie Bahlai
  • Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou
  • Lara Mangravite

Key Dates


BOSC covers all aspects of open source bioinformatics software and open science, including (but not limited to) these topics:

  • Open Science and Reproducible Research
  • Open Biomedical Data
  • Citizen/Participatory Science
  • Standards and Interoperability
  • Data Science
  • Workflows
  • Open Approaches to Translational Bioinformatics
  • Developer Tools and Libraries
  • Inclusion, Outreach and Training

Check out the full BOSC 2021 schedule!

Platinum Sponsors

Chan Zuckerberg InitiativeAlzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative

Gold sponsors

Amazon Web ServicesBroad Institute Logo

Silver sponsors

eLifeGeneviaOxford University Press

Sponsorships from companies and organizations help to defray some of our costs and enable us to offer registration fee waivers for some presenters. If you’re interested in sponsoring BOSC, please see our sponsorships page!


BOSC is organized by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF), a non-profit group dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of open source software development and open science within the biological research community.

Since its inception in 2000, BOSC has provided a forum for developers and users to interact and share research results and ideas in open source bioinformatics. BOSC’s broad spectrum of topics includes practical techniques for solving bioinformatics problems; software development practices; standards and ontologies; approaches that promote open science and sharing of data, results and software; and ways to grow open source communities while promoting diversity within them.

BOSC is usually preceded or followed by what we now call CollaborationFest (CoFest for short), a two-day community development session. This is an opportunity for anyone interested in open science, biology and programming to meet, talk and work collaboratively. All are welcome to attend CoFest, whether or not you attend BOSC!

More about BOSC…


Registration for BOSC 2021 is through ISMB/ECCB 2021. If the registration fee is a barrier, those who submit abstracts can request fee assistance on the submission form.

The post-BOSC CoFest will be free, but will require registration.

Organizing Committee

Chair: Nomi L. Harris (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Co-chair: Karsten Hokamp (Trinity College Dublin) Chris Fields ( Bioperl developerHPCBio, University of Illinois) Jason Williams (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) Jessica Maia (BD) Malvika Sharan (The Alan Turing Institute) Monica Munoz-Torres (University of Colorado, Denver) Peter Cock ( Biopython developerJames Hutton Institute)

Review Committee

Kai Blin*, Christian Brueffer, Scott Cain*, J. Harry Caufield*, Tyrone Chen, Luis Pedro Coelho*, Gianluca Della Vedova, Scott Edmunds, Christopher Fields*, Bastian Greshake Tzovaras*, Nomi L. Harris, Janna Hastings, Michael Heuer, Karsten Hokamp, Matúš Kalaš*, Aziz Khan, Radhika Khetani, Aleix Lafita-Masip, Hilmar Lapp, Hervé Ménager, Kieran O’Neill, Tazro Ohta, Konstantin Okonechnikov, Lorena Pantano, Surya Saha*, Sonika Tyagi, Deepak Unni, Jason Williams, Yo Yehudi
\* = also reviewed Late Poster abstracts

Previous BOSCs

BOSC has been held yearly since 2000. See information about the first 21 BOSC conferences.

BCC2020, the first Bioinformatics Community Conference, brought together the Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) and BOSC in a joint online meeting in July 2020. Participants from 62 countries joined us for sessions scheduled twice a day to accommodate both hemispheres. The complete BOSC 2020 schedule is here.

BOSC 2019 was part of ISMB/ECCB 2019 in Basel, Switzerland. See the full BOSC 2019 schedule.

Code of Conduct

As part of ISMB/ECCB, BOSC 2021 will be covered by the ISMB/ECCB Code of Conduct.