Sponsors of BOSC 2023
BOSC 2023 Platinum Sponsor
BOSC 2023 Silver Sponsors
If you’re interested in sponsoring BOSC 2024, please contact us at bosc@open-bio.org!
Sponsorships from companies and organizations help to defray some of our costs and enable us to offer registration fee waivers for some conference participants. In 2022, thanks to our sponsors’ generous support, we were able to grant free registration to 19 participants at BOSC 2022, offer honoraria to keynote speakers, and cover other expenses.
If you’re interested in sponsoring BOSC, please contact us at bosc@open-bio.org!
Thanks to our 2021 sponsors, we were able to offer free ISMB/ECCB 2021 registration to 20 participants from all over the world!
What is BOSC?
BOSC is an annual meeting organized by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF), a non-profit, volunteer-run group dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development and Open Science within the biological research community. Whether in-person or online, each BOSC includes talks, poster sessions, birds-of-a-feather gatherings, and lots of opportunities for networking. It is followed by collaborative working sessions at the CollaborationFest. These events bring together software engineers, bioinformaticians, and researchers to collaborate and extend open source bioinformatics tools.
Most years, BOSC has been part of the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology meeting (ISMB/ECCB). In 2018, BOSC partnered with the Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) in a very successful joint meeting in Portland, GCCBOSC 2018. In July 2020, BOSC again joined forces with GCC to form the Bioinformatics Community Conference (BCC2020). Held online, BCC2020 attracted over 600 participants from 62 countries. BOSC 2021 was part of ISMB/ECCB 2021, and took place July 29-30, 2021 (followed by a two-day CollaborationFest).
BOSC 2022 was held July 13-14, 2022, as part of ISMB 2022 in person in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and simultaneously online.
BOSC 2023, the 24th annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference, will take place July 24-25 as part of ISMB/ECCB 2023 in Lyon, France and online. Like last year, we will join forces with Bio-Ontologies for part of a day!
BOSC participants come from a wide variety of research environments and backgrounds:
Biological researchers, students, and post-docs who are learning bioinformatics analysis tools and techniques
Power bioinformatics users
Bioinformatics tool and workflow developers
Bioinformatics-focused principal investigators and researchers
Sequencing core facility staff
Industry scientists and bioinformaticians
Data producers
Previous Events
The OBF has organized BOSC every year since 2000. From 2000 to 2017 and again in 2019, BOSC was run as part of the large ISMB conference. In 2018 (and again in 2020) it partnered with the Galaxy Community Conference. The OBF CodeFests (now renamed CollaborationFest, or CoFest) have been held every year after BOSC since 2010.
The table below shows the approximate number of participants in BOSC and the CoFest. Figures for the CoFest and BOSC are number of people registered for at least one day of the meeting. The BOSC figures do not include drop-in attendees from the parallel sessions organized by other groups. The figures for CoFest do not include remote participants.
YearLocation BOSC ParticipantsCoFest Participants 2022BOSC 2022: Madison, WI, USA and virtual200152021BOSC 2021: virtual200252020BCC2020 (BOSC + Galaxy): virtual3001502019Basel, Switzerland109352018 Portland, OR, USA1501002017 Prague, Czech Republic 230652016 Orlando, FL, USA90362015Dublin, Ireland125352014Boston, MA, USA100602013Berlin, Germany100372012Long Beach, CA, USA 100132011 Vienna, Austria 12035
We gratefully accept sponsorships from private companies and organizations. In the past these sponsorships have enabled us to
- offer free registration to some BOSC participants
- support the OBF’s Event Fellowship program, increasing participation from underrepresented groups
- provide child care at the conference
- underwrite the cost of conference events such as dinners or refreshments at poster sessions
- help defray the cost of videography
- provide space and catering at the CoFest
- offer honoraria to keynote speakers
- pay for captioning and translations
Sponsoring BOSC
Sponsorships from private companies and organizations help to defray some of our costs and allow us to offer registration fee waivers to some attendees. If you are interested in becoming a BOSC sponsor, please contact us at bosc@open-bio.org!
Benefits of Sponsorship
We acknowledge our sponsors before, during and after the event in multiple ways:
- We list our sponsors on the BOSC website
- Sponsors are thanked and named in the introduction/closing slides during the meeting
- We show the sponsor logos on large BOSC posters displayed outside the meeting room and in the poster area
- The sponsors are thanked in selected emails to our mailing list, tweets and blog posts (with your logo) that go out before, during and after the event
- The sponsors are listed in our published reports after the meeting, e.g., https://f1000research.com/articles/7-1309/v1
- We are open to discussing specific requests, such as distributing stickers or leaflets, or earmarking the sponsorship for a specific activity.
Sponsors from previous years
BOSC 2022 Platinum Sponsors
BOSC 2022 Gold Sponsors
BOSC 2022 Silver Sponsors
BOSC 2021 Platinum Sponsors
BOSC 2021 Gold Sponsors
BOSC 2021 Silver Sponsors
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us at bosc@open-bio.org!