
Membership Application

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation invites anyone who is involved in or plans to become involved in promoting open source or open science in a biological field to apply for membership. There are no dues at present. The best time and place to join is at the annual BOSC conference, because attendees are automatically deemed eligible based on the fact that they attended BOSC, but you can apply for membership at any time.

Join the OBF now!

History and Bylaws

The OBF membership body was formally established at the 2005 Board of Directors meeting. As laid out in the OBF Bylaws, officers in the Board of Directors will be elected from the nominees by the membership, and candidates for future Directors will be nominated from the membership when seats are added or a term expires.

OBF members are invited to attend public Board meetings, which take place at least once a year and are announced via the (low-traffic) OBF members mailing list, as well as on our blog and via Twitter.


The Board established the membership body as the platform from which major future changes to the OBF’s mission, agenda, and scope will originate

  • through active participation and discussion
  • through providing the future leadership of the OBF.

If you have ideas and the energy to advocate them then we encourage you to join as a member, and perhaps to nominate yourself for future elections to the Board. The bylaws define terms for Directors as well as Officers; seats will come up for election every year.

Join the OBF now!