
Minutes:2010 Financial report

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Revision as of 22:35, 5 October 2010 by Dag (talk)
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Financial Status as of October 4th 2010

 Standard checking account: $15,797.25
 Investor checking account: $16,259.23
 Outstanding liabilities:   ($513.92)
 Total: $31,542.56


 $263.92 pending reimbursement to Chris Dagdigian for 2-year domain renewals on biomoby.org, biosoap.org and bior.org domains
 $250.00 pending reimbursement to Chris Dagdigian for using personal paypal to send $250 BOSC Fellowship award to Nobuaki K. in Japan. 

Financial Activity 2010

 7/8/2010 -  $500 donation deposited
 7/29/2010 - ($250) BOSC award to Jens L
 7/30/2010 - $1000 wire transfer in from Eagle Genomics
 7/30/2010 - ($250) BOSC award to Eric 7
 7/30/2010 - ($16) international wire transfer fee for the Eagle transfer
 8/16/2010 - ($250) sent via Chris Dagdigian's paypal to the BOSC Award winner in Japan (Nobuaki K). Paypal confirms acceptance on 8/17/2010