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BOSC 2010 Schedule


Click on the talk title to view the individual abstract as a PDF file.

Day 1 Friday July 9: Hynes Convention Center room 207
7:30-9:00AM Registration Pick up badges for BOSC 2010, Hynes Convention Center (early arrival is recommended as there are usually long lines)
9:00-9:15AM Kam Dahlquist [Welcome] Introduction to the OBF and Welcome to BOSC 2010
9:15-10:15 Guy Coates [Keynote] Clouds: all fluff and no substance? ***SLIDES***
10:15-10:45   Coffee Break
10:45-11:05 Ronald Taylor [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] An overview of the Hadoop/MapReduce/HBase framework and its current applications in bioinformatics ***SLIDES***
11:05-11:25 M. Hanna [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] The Genome Analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data ***SLIDES***
11:25-11:45 Brian D. O’Connor [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] SeqWare Query Engine: Storing and Searching Sequence Data in the Cloud ***SLIDES***
11:45-12:00PM Judy Qiu [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] Hybrid Cloud and Cluster Computing Paradigms for Life Science Applications ***SLIDES***
12:00-12:15 Ben Langmead [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] Cloud-scale genomics: examples and lessons ***SLIDES***
12:15-12:30 Enis Afgan [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] Deploying Galaxy on the Cloud ***SLIDES***
12:30-2:00   Lunch
2:00-2:20 Steffen Möller [Cloud Computing] Community-driven computational biology with Debian and Taverna ***SLIDES***
2:20-2:40 Darin London [Cloud Computing/HT ‘omics Data] Dealing with the Data Deluge: What can the Robotics Community Teach us? ***SLIDES***
2:40-3:00 Nyasha Chambwe [HT ‘omics Data] The Goby framework: towards efficient next-generation sequencing data analysis ***SLIDES***
3:00-3:15 Dana Robinson [HT ‘omics Data] BioHDF: Open binary file formats for NGS data - current status and future directions ***SLIDES***
3:15-3:30 Jens Lichtenberg [HT ‘omics Data] Concurrent Bioinformatics Software for Discovering Genome-wide Patterns and Word-based Genomic Signatures ***SLIDES***
3:30-3:38 Chris Hemmerich [HT ‘omics Data] Automated Annotation of NGS Transcriptome Data using ISGA and Ergatis ***SLIDES***
3:38-4:00   Coffee Break
4:00-4:20 Mark Wilkinson [Semantic Web] From Moby to SADI - Modeling Semantic Web Services with the Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration Framework ***SLIDES***
4:20-4:35 Aravind Venkatesan [Semantic Web] ONTO-ToolKit: enabling bio-ontology engineering via Galaxy ***SLIDES***
4:35-4:45 Kazuharu Arakawa [Semantic Web] G-language Bookmarklet: a gateway for Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Web Services ***SLIDES***
4:45-4:55 Christian M Zmasek [Semantic Web] Connecting TOPSAN to Computational Analysis ***SLIDES***
4:55-5:10 Jianjiong Gao [OS Software] Musite: Global Prediction of General and Kinase-Specific Phosphorylation Sites ***SLIDES***
5:10-5:18 Hervé Ménager [Lightning Talk] Mobyle Bioinformatics Web Portal: project update ***SLIDES***
5:18-5:26 Stuart Owen [Lightning Talk] The Taverna 2.2 Workflow Workbench with a case study using it for Next Gen Sequencing of African cows ***SLIDES***
5:26-5:34 Jiten Bhagat [Lightning Talk] BioCatalogue - the Public Curated Registry of Life Science Web Services ***SLIDES***
5:34-5:42 Christian M Zmasek [Software Demo] Evolutionary tree visualization and analysis with Archaeopteryx ***SLIDES***
5:42-5:50 Aleksi Kallio [Lightning Talk] Connecting Chipster genome browser to the cloud ***SLIDES***
5:50-5:58 Christopher Bottoms [Lightning Talk] SNP Allele Designations (Bio::SNP::Inherit) ***SLIDES***
5:58-6:06 Tomasz Puton [Lightning Talk] BioPython modules for handling RNA sequences containing modified nucleosides ***SLIDES***
6:06-6:15 Brad Chapman [Lightning Talk] Codefest 2010 Report
6:15-6:45   Birds of a Feather
6:45   OBF Board Meeting and No-host Dinner; Location: Legal Seafood
Day 2 Saturday July 10: Hynes Convention Center room 207
9:00-9:15AM Kam Dahlquist [Announcements]
9:15-10:15 Ross Gardler [Keynote] Community Development at the Apache Software Foundation ***SLIDES***
10:15-10:45   Coffee Break
10:45-11:05 Christopher Fields [Bio* Update] Towards a Modern BioPerl: BioPerl Update 2010 ***SLIDES***
11:05-11:20 Raoul J.P. Bonnal [Bio* Update] BioRuby 2010 updates: moving to agile bioinformatics ***SLIDES***
11:20-11:35 Peter Rice [Bio* Update] EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite ***SLIDES***
11:35-11:50 Brad Chapman [Bio* Update] Biopython Project Update 2010 ***SLIDES***
11:50-12:05PM Tiago Antao [OS software] interPopula: Database and tool integration for population genetics using Python ***SLIDES***
12:05-12:20 Laurent Gautier [Bio* Update] Bioconductor with Python, What else ? ***SLIDES***
12:20-12:30 Eric W Talevich [Bio* Update] Bio.Phylo: A unified phylogenetics toolkit for Biopython ***SLIDES***
12:30-2:00   Lunch
2:00-2:20 Simon Mercer [OS Software Framework] The Microsoft Biology Foundation ***SLIDES***
2:20-2:40 William Crawford [OS Software/Code Generation] Building Bioinformatics Web Application with Clickframes
2:40-3:00 Morris A. Swertz [OS Software/Code Generation] MOLGENIS: rapid prototyping of biosoftware at the push of a button ***SLIDES***
3:00-3:10 Alexandros Kanterakis [OS Software/Code Generation] Generating a data platform for microarray gene expression experiments using MOLGENIS and MAGE-TAB ***SLIDES***
3:10-3:25 Sebastian J. Schultheiss [Web Services] Long-term availability of bioinformatics web services ***SLIDES***
3:25-4:00   Coffee Break
4:00-4:15 Lincoln Stein [Visualization] GBrowse2 ***SLIDES***
4:15-4:35 Gary D. Bader [Visualization] Cytoscape Web: An interactive, customizable web-based network browser ***SLIDES***
4:35-4:50 Nobuaki Kono [Visualization] Pathway Projector: Web-Based Zoomable Pathway Browser Using KEGG Atlas and Google Maps API ***SLIDES***
4:50-5:05 James A. Morris [Visualization] Evoker: a visualization tool for genotype intensity data ***SLIDES***
5:05-5:20 Pavel Tomancak [Visualization] Fiji Is Just ImageJ - an Open Source platform for biological image analysis
5:20-5:30 Iddo Friedberg [Visualization] IPRStats: visualization and analysis of InterProScan Results ***SLIDES***
5:30-6:00   Birds of a Feather