Codefest 2011
OpenBio Codefest 2011 will take place July 13th and 14th, 2011 in Vienna, Austria; the two days before BOSC 2011. This is a great opportunity for open source bioinformatics developers to meet and work collaboratively. We hope to have developers from projects such as BioPerl, BioJava, Biopython, BioRuby, and EMBOSS in attendance.
This is a follow-up to the extremely successful and fun Codefest 2010 in Boston.
OpenBio projects are typically coordinated remotely, with users from all over the world contributing and organizing themselves through mailing lists and IRC chats. Additionally, contributors work on these projects in their spare time, coordinating improving the projects with their day jobs and life outside of the computer. The objective of the Codefest is to give these talented developers a chance to be fully focused on the projects for a few days, interacting in real time. Previous Hackathons have been immensely successful at producing new high quality code and innovative project developments.
The goals for the two days are determined entirely by developers. We welcome your input. Please add your thoughts to the shared Google document:
and discuss:
- Codefest 2011 mailing list
- During the Codefest, on IRC (freenode/#codefest)
We are being kindly hosted by the Metalab Hacker space in Vienna. Check out their daily web log to get a feel for life in the lab, and the Metalab Codefest page.
Metalab has a nice location map. We’ll be counting on local residents to help with additional detailed directions.
We’ll plan to get started coding at 10am on July 13th and 14th.
You are very welcome to attend. Please add yourself if you are interested to this Google spreadsheet and sign up on the mailing list.
- Brad Chapman
- Hilmar Lapp
- Ketil Malde from the Biohaskell…er, crowd.
- Thomas Down from DAS/Biodalliance.
- Raoul J.P. Bonnal from BioRuby
- Peter Cock from Biopython
- Hervé Ménager from the Mobyle project
- Bertrand Néron from the Mobyle project
- Pablo Pareja from Oh no sequences!, main developer of Bio4j project
- Peter Rice from EMBOSS
- Pjotr Prins
- Paul Horton (CBRC)
- Vipin T Sreedharan (FML, Max Planck Society)
- Ben Woodcroft (University of Melbourne)
- Johan Henriksson (Karolinska Institute)
- Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen (TBI Vienna (and Biohaskell ;-))
- Matus Kalas (BioXSD)
- Alex Kalderimis (Intermine(University of Cambridge))
- FengYuen Hu (Intermine(University of Cambridge))
- Peter Clarke (FourPartsWater Biocomputing)
- Mesude Bicak (Bio-Linux)
- Tim Booth (Bio-Linux)
- Dawn Field (Bio-Linux)
- Konstantinos Krampis (CloudBioLinx)
- Scott Cain (GMOD)
- Roman Valls Guimerà from Science For Life Lab Stockholm