Minutes:2007 BOSC Meeting
An initial agenda for this meeting was compiled by the President prior to the meeting.
O|B|F Board of Directors Meeting 7/21/2007: Minutes
Venue: Cafe Prückl, Vienna
Date: 7/21/2007, 5.30pm
Attending: Jason Stajich (OBF President), Hilmar Lapp (OBF
Parliamentarian), Darin London, Kam Dahlquist
- Had 94 attendees registered specifically for BOSC as of July 9th
- Do we have an audience? Is there a niche that BOSC continues to fill? The numbers seem to speak a clear voice.
- Show-and-tell was received positively, but didn’t play as big a role anymore
- Want to continue running the conference
- Venue:
- Seems much favorable to associate with an existing major event
- One model could be to associate with different events on an alternating basis, such as IMSB every other year and a different conference every other year
- Need a new Organizing Committee, several people volunteered to help
- Committee should decide on sessions, timetable, outreach venues
- Session chairs who are also charged to identify the most desirable speakers
- Should have budget to reimburse travel for key speakers who otherwise wouldn’t be able to come
- Need to look into venue and procedure for publishing the talks
- Include a hackathon?
Action items:
- Darin to craft on-line feedback survey for BOSC
- Darin to draft initial call for nomination to the BOSC Organizing Committee (BOC)
- Darin to collate required responsibilities for the BOC in the run up to the conference
Open-Bio Board
- Membership of the BOD
- Current members are technically Jason Stajich, Chris Dagdigian, Andrew Dalke, Ewan Birney, Hilmar Lapp
- Steven Brenner resigned in 2006.
- Financial report:
- Have $15k in the bank.
- Have not filed a tax report since incorporation.
- Need to hire an accountant (for filing tax reports), lawyer (re-incorporate).
- (Paste points from Chris’ letter here)
Mission of the organization
- Want do continue what we do right now, i.e., infrastructure support
for the projects
- Should ask project leaders for what they need
- Should we take a more active role?
- Public opinion forming on open source software?
- Should be present at the open-source panel
- Outreach and education?
- Advertising and outreach for BOSC is also advertising for OBF
- Makes us appear on people’s minds, something that people want to be a part of
- Regular letters about news of BOSC
- OBF official blog?
- Community building:
- Creating ways for people to reach others
- Providing a forum for people to engage in discourse about how to advance the state of open source in bioinformatics
- Connect possibly “competing” projects to make an attempt at advancing the quality and availability of software
- Coordinate meet-ups of people at other events (other than BOSC)
- Must not be exclusive or ideologic
- Create a year-long plan leading up to BOSC 2008
- Generate excitement
- Need mechanism to identify who is currently on the board
- Need mechanism to identify those who aren’t contributing, and remove them from board
- Need to identify new treasurer
- Need to identify candidates who would like to serve on the board
- Revitalize and reform the board
Action items:
- Jason to identify a lawyer
- Jason to investigate and identify mailing address
- Will hold follow-up conference call (phone or skype or IRC) in August