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Minutes:2009 ConfCall

Minutes from the meeting

Venue: held by conference call, scheduled for 4pm EST (21:00 UTC).



Hilmar calls meeting to order at 4.04pm EST.

BOSC 2009:

BOSC 2010:

2009 Financial Report

Board of Directors membership

OBF hardware and domain name assets

Meeting is adjourned at 6.12pm EST.


  1. Old business
  • New business
    1. BOSC
      • BOSC 2009 (Kam)
      • Money spent/made attendee number, any other feedback
    2. BOSC 2010 - held with ISMB2010 in Boston, MA, USA

    </ul> </li>

  • Treasurer's 2009 report (ChrisD)
  • BoD membership and succession. - Nomination of Nomi Harris for election to the BoD - Need plan to elect new BoD members and rotate officers.
  • OBF Hardware & Sysadmin report (JasonS and ChrisD) - Domain names currently registered, upcoming expirations, newly purchased names - Proposal to purchase new hardware - [2009 hardware purchase proposal](2009_hardware_purchase_proposal "wikilink") - Proposal to purchase box for upstream SPAM filtering - System Administration status & coverage report (who, what, issues, future) - Consider possibility of moving code mirroring to public (; etc) mailling lists to googlegroups?
  • Hackathons 2010 (Tokyo hackathon in Feb 2010) will involve some OBF projects/developers
  • Additional topics proposed by community
  • </ol> </ol>

    Project reports filed

    Any reports that need to be recorded for 2009 can be lined here. Summary of O|B|F supported projects: projects are active(?), need more support (?), have had releases(?)