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Minutes:2009 Financial report

Open Bioinformatics Foundation

Treasurers Report: January 2009 - Present Prepared by: Chris Dagdigian Version 1.0 - December 2009

General Summary

As of 12/14/2009 we have the following balances in our banking accounts:

With respect to our bank accounts, the OBF tends to spend very little money, on the order of 5 financial transactions since 2004. We generally take in money in the form of interest from our accounts and the occasional directed donation.

All 2009 Financial Transactions

Financial Oversight

Unchanged since 2008, Jason Stajich & Chris Dagdigian have shared online access to our Bank of America accounts and statements. We have an ATM card and a Visa debit card that have (intentionally) never been activated for use. In the rare occasions when the OBF needs to spend money we issue paper checks.

2009 Expenses (to date)

2009 Income (to date)

January 2009 - Present Expenses

All OBF operating expenses have been donated by 3rd parties:

Future 2009-2010 Expenses

We expect to issue a few checks shortly to cover the following:

Please note that several items on the OBF Board Meeting Agenda relate to significant proposed spending on a total refresh of our server, hosting and IT infrastructure. Items under discussion for purchase sum up to approx. $8,000 USD.