Minutes:2009 Financial report
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Treasurers Report: January 2009 - Present Prepared by: Chris Dagdigian Version 1.0 - December 2009
General Summary
As of 12/14/2009 we have the following balances in our banking accounts:
- $14,813.25 - Standard Business Checking Account
- $16,245.68 - Business Investment Checking Account
With respect to our bank accounts, the OBF tends to spend very little money, on the order of 5 financial transactions since 2004. We generally take in money in the form of interest from our accounts and the occasional directed donation.
All 2009 Financial Transactions
- 05/19/2009 - ($520.00) – Jason S. online billpay via Business Checking Account
- 12/14/2009 - $15.17 – Year to date interest on our Business Investment Checking Account
- To be deposited - $250.00 – Anonymous donation for BOSC travel fellowship
Financial Oversight
Unchanged since 2008, Jason Stajich & Chris Dagdigian have shared online access to our Bank of America accounts and statements. We have an ATM card and a Visa debit card that have (intentionally) never been activated for use. In the rare occasions when the OBF needs to spend money we issue paper checks.
2009 Expenses (to date)
- $(520.00) : Reimburse Jason S. for two BOSC 2008 Student Awards ($260/ea) paid via PayPall
2009 Income (to date)
- $15.17 : Interest earned on business checking account
- $250.00 : BOSC’2009 Anonymous individual sponsorship donation
January 2009 - Present Expenses
All OBF operating expenses have been donated by 3rd parties:
- Domain name renewal fees: Donated by C.Dagdigian
- Server hosting Donated by BioTeam Inc.
- Server bandwidth Donated by BioTeam Inc.
- Delaware Registered Agent Fees Donated by C.Dagdigian
- Legal consultation fees Donated by C.Dagdigian
- Server hardware/memory Donated by C.Dagdigian
- Zoneedit.com Outsourced DNS Donated by C.Dagdigian
Future 2009-2010 Expenses
We expect to issue a few checks shortly to cover the following:
- BOSC’2010 Student Prize awards
Please note that several items on the OBF Board Meeting Agenda relate to significant proposed spending on a total refresh of our server, hosting and IT infrastructure. Items under discussion for purchase sum up to approx. $8,000 USD.