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BOSC 2014 Schedule

This page has links to all the publicly available talk slides, videos and posters. The videos are all on the BOSC 2014 YouTube playlist, with thanks to Google for sponsorship.

You can download the full program with abstracts (PDF); however, this wiki page is considered the definitive schedule and was updated with any last minute changes.

There was lots of activity under Twitter - our hashtag was #BOSC2014 and there are Storify Tweet archives for Day One, Day Two and during ISMB.

Pre-BOSC Codefest: July 9-10, 2014

See Codefest 2014 for details.

BOSC Day 1: Friday, 11 July 2014

Time Topic Speaker [Poster], Moderator, or notes
7:30-9:00 Registration Early arrival is recommended as there are usually long lines
9:00-9:15 Introduction and Welcome Nomi Harris and/or Peter Cock (Chairs, BOSC 2014)
9:15-10:15 Keynote: A History of Bioinformatics (in the Year 2039) (video, slideshare, notes) C. Titus Brown
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break  
10:45-12:30 Session: Genome-scale Data and Beyond Chair: Chris Fields
10:45-11:03 [Genome-Scale] ADAM: Fast, Scalable Genomic Analysis (video, slides) Frank Austin Nothaft [P1]
11:03-11:21 [Genome-Scale] A Framework for Benchmarking RNA-seq Pipelines (video, slides) Rory Kirchner
11:21-11:39 [Genome-Scale] New Frontiers of Genome Assembly with SPAdes 3.1 (video, slides) Andrey Prjibelski [P2]
11:39-11:57 [Genome-Scale] SigSeeker: An Ensemble for Analysis of Epigenetic Data (video, slides) Jens Lichtenberg [P3]
11:57-12:15 [Genome-Scale] Galaxy as an Extensible Job Execution Platform (video, slides) John Chilton
12:15-12:30 Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) update (video) Hilmar Lapp (OBF President)
12:30-13:30 Lunch (and poster session)
13:00-14:00 Poster Session and Birds of a Feather (overlapping with lunch) Suggest a BOF topic here!
14:00-15:30 Session: Visualization Chair: Rob Davey
14:00-14:18 [Visualization] WormGUIDES: an Interactive Informatic Developmental Atlas at Subcellular Resolution (video, slides) Anthony Santella [P4]
14:18-14:36 [Visualization] BioJS: an Open Source Standard for Biological Visualisation (video) Manuel Corpas [P5]
14:36-14:54 [Visualization] Biodalliance: a Fast, Extensible Genome Browser (video) Thomas Down
14:54-15:12 [Visualization] TGAC Browser: Visualisation Solutions for Big Data in the Genomic Era (video, slides) Anil S. Thanki [P6]
15:12-15:30 [Visualization] Explore, Analyze, and Share Genomic Data Using Integrated Genome Browser (video, slides) Ann Loraine
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break  
16:00-17:00 Session: Bioinformatics Open Source Project Updates Chair: Peter Cock
16:00-16:12 [Updates] BioMart 0.9 – Introducing Tools for Data Analysis and Visualisation (video, slides) Arek Kasprzyk
16:12-16:24 [Updates] Biocaml: The OCaml Bioinformatics Library (video, slides) Ashish Agarwal
16:24-16:36 [Updates] BioRuby and Distributed Development (video, abstract, slides) Pjotr Prins
16:36-16:48 [Updates] Biopython Project Update (video, slides) Wibowo Arindrarto
16:48-17:00 [Updates] Shared Bioinformatics Databases Within Unipro UGENE (video, slides) Ivan Protsyuk [P7]
17:00-17:30 Session: Lightning Talks Chair: Peter Cock
17:00-17:05 [Lightning] Fostering the Next Generation of Data-driven Open Science with R (video, slides) Karthik Ram
17:07-17:12 [Lightning] Tripal: an Open Source Toolkit for Building Genomic and Genetic Data Websites and Databases (video, slides) Margaret Staton
17:14-17:19 [Lightning] PLUTo: Phyloinformatic Literature Unlocking Tools (video, slides) Ross Mounce
17:21-17:26 [Lightning] A Publication Model that Aligns with the Key Open Source Software Principles (video, slides) Michael L. Markie [P8]
17:27-17:30 Announcements Nomi Harris and/or Peter Cock
17:30-18:30 BOFs Suggest a BOF topic here!
19:00 Pay-your-own-way Friday BOSC dinner (FULL) The Asgard Irish Pub and Restaurant, 350 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA (1.2 miles north of the convention center). Only those who have already RSVPed will be admitted.

BOSC logo

BOSC Day 2: Saturday, 12 July 2014

Time Topic Speaker or Moderator
8:55-9:00 Announcements Peter Cock and/or Nomi Harris (Chairs, BOSC 2014)
9:00-9:15 Codefest 2014 Report (video, slides) Brad Chapman
9:15-10:15 | Keynote: Biomedical Research as an Open Digital Enterprise (video, slidesshare) Philip Bourne
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break  
10:45-12:30 Session: Software Interoperability Chair: Raoul Bonnal
10:45-11:03 [Interoperability] Pathview: an R/Bioconductor Package for Pathway-based Data Integration and Visualization (video, slides) Weijun Luo [P9]
11:03-11:21 [Interoperability] Use of Semantically Annotated Resources in the Mobyle2 Web Framework (video, slides) Hervé Ménager
11:21-11:39 [Interoperability] Towards Ubiquitous OWL Computing: Simplifying Programmatic Authoring of and Querying with OWL Axioms (video, slides) Hilmar Lapp
11:39-11:57 [Interoperability] Integrating Taverna Player into Scratchpads (video, slideshare, poster) Robert Haines [P10]
11:57-12:15 [Interoperability] Small Tools for Bioinformatics (video, slides, abstract, manifesto) Pjotr Prins
12:30-13:30 Lunch (and poster session)
13:00-14:00 Poster Session and Birds of a Feather (overlapping with lunch) Suggest a BOF topic here!
14:00-15:30 Session: Open Science and Reproducible Research Chair: Hilmar Lapp
14:00-14:18 [Open Science] SEEK for Science: A Data Management Platform which Supports Open and Reproducible Science (video, slideshare) Carole Goble [P11]
14:18-14:36 [Open Science] Arvados: Achieving Computational Reproducibility and Data Provenance in Large-Scale Genomic Analyses (video, slides) Brett Smith
14:36-14:54 [Open Science] Enhancing the Galaxy Experience through Community Involvement (video, slides) Daniel Blankenberg
14:54-15:12 [Open Science] Supporting Dynamic Community Developed Biological Pipelines (slides) Brad Chapman
15:12-15:30 [Open Science] ‘Open’ as a Strategy for Durability, Reproducibility and Scalability (video, slides) Jonathan Rees
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break  
16:00-17:00 Panel: Reproducibility: Rewards and Challenges (video) Moderator: Brad Chapman; Panelists: Phil Bourne, Titus Brown, Varsha Khodiyar, Kaitlin Thaney
17:00-17:10 Presentation of Student Travel Awards & Concluding Remarks Nomi Harris (Co-Chair, BOSC 2014)
17:10-18:00 BOFs Suggest a BOF topic here!
19:00 Pay-your-own-way BOSC Saturday dinner: Summer Shack, 50 Dalton St., Boston Dinner now FULL. If you RSVPed yes but can’t attend, please edit your RSVP

Note: the ISMB reception starts at 17:30…


If the speaker also gave a talk, any poster link will be above (posters 1 to 11). This table lists poster-only presentations.

Poster Title Presenter
P12 Advantages and challenges of using the Galaxy API within an integrated data analysis and visualization platform Ilya Sytchev
P13 Connecting computational steps for NGS, and beyond. (source code) Laurent Gautier
P14 Updates to MISO, the open-source NGS LIMS project Xingdong Bian
P15 Running Taverna Workflows within IPython Notebook Alan Williams / Aleksandra Pawlik (TBC)
P16 Reconstruction of ancestral genomes in presence of gene gain and loss Shuai Jiang
P17 Withdrawn Withdrawn
P18 GEPETTO Update: An Open Source Framework for Gene Prioritization Hoan Nguyen
P19 NeoPipe: An Open Source Framework for Protein sequence analysis Hoan Nguyen
P20 updates: scalable gene-centric web services with user contributions Chunlei Wu
P21 Aiding the journey from data to publication in the plant sciences Robert Davey
P22 Bio2RDF mobile: an app for biological semantic web databases Maxime Déraspe
P24 BioBuilds: A Model for Long Term Sustainability of Open Source Bioinformatics Chris Mueller
P25 GigaGalaxy: A GigaSolution for reproducible and sustainable genomic data publication and analysis (poster) Scott Edmunds



We thank Eagle Genomics for sponsoring the BOSC Student Travel Awards again this year, and welcome the open access journal GigaScience, and Curoverse (the team behind the open source platform Arvados) as new sponsors for BOSC 2014.

We are grateful to Google for their generous support for videorecording BOSC 2014.

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